7 Oct 2013

Spanish Constitutional Court rejection of appeal about access to information to be taken to ECHR


Madrid, 8 October 2013 – Access Info Europe has decided to take its appeal for access to information, denied by the Spanish Ministry of Defence, to the European Court of Human Rights after the appeal was recently rejected by the Spanish Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court had not accepted the appeal because they said that the protection of a fundamental right had not been violated.

Spanish Constitutional Court rejection of appeal about access to information to be taken to ECHR2018-11-13T10:12:21+01:00
4 Oct 2013

Last phase of campaigning to improve Spain’s weak transparency law: Calls on Senators to act


Madrid, 4 October 2013 – With Spain’s future transparency law open for amendments in the Senate until 8 October, Access Info has launched a last campaign for improvements. The goal is to strengthen the law’s score of 68 out of 150 on the RTI Rating, and a future position number 75 out of 96 laws globally.

Last phase of campaigning to improve Spain’s weak transparency law: Calls on Senators to act2018-11-13T10:12:21+01:00
25 Sep 2013

Buscamos al senador más transparente #senadotransparente


Madrid, 26 de septiembre de 2013 – El día 28 de septiembre es el Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber y lo queremos celebrar. España está aprobando en estos momentos una Ley de Transparencia (¡por fin!) y la sociedad civil está siguiendo este proceso muy de cerca para conseguir que esa norma esté a la altura de las mejores leyes del mundo.

Buscamos al senador más transparente #senadotransparente2018-11-13T10:12:23+01:00
10 Sep 2013

Spain will rank 72nd out of 96 countries with access to information laws


Madrid, 10 September 2013 – Access Info Europe has again warned that the current version of the Spanish transparency law does not meet international standards. The law will be approved by the Parliament on Thursday 12 September, it will then be passed to the Senate for approval. When adopted, Spain would rank 72nd out of 96 countries with access to information laws, obtaining 70 points from a total of 150 on the Global RTI-Rating. In the upcoming debate, the parliament is expected to approve amendments to the transparency law adopted by the Constitutional Committee on 31 July 2013. These amendments

Spain will rank 72nd out of 96 countries with access to information laws2018-11-13T10:12:24+01:00
1 Aug 2013

Spain’s Pro-Transparency Organisations denounce adoption by Parliamentary Committee of weak and insufficient draft access to information law


Madrid, 31 July 2013 – The Constitutional Commission of Spain’s Parliament (Congress) today adopted using the voting majority of the ruling Partido Popular and two smaller parties, the draft law on Transparency, Access to Information and Good Governance. This will be passed to the plenary of the parliament in September for subsequent approval by the Senate, most likely to come during the autumn.

Spain’s Pro-Transparency Organisations denounce adoption by Parliamentary Committee of weak and insufficient draft access to information law2018-11-13T10:12:29+01:00
26 Jul 2013

Another Secretive Step For Spain’s Transparency Law


Madrid, 26 July 2013 – Access Info Europe today criticised once again the process by which Spain’s transparency law is being adopted, which continues to be secretive and non-participatory. In the latest development, on Thursday 25 July, with domestic and international attention focused on the news of Spain’s tragic train crash, a closed door session of the Parliament’s Constitutional Commission which was boycotted by left of centre parties, including the main opposition Socialist Party, approved amendments to the transparency law.

Another Secretive Step For Spain’s Transparency Law2018-11-13T10:12:30+01:00
18 Jul 2013

El Defensor del Pueblo de Navarra insta al Gobierno Foral a flexibilizar sus requisitos de acceso a la información


(Artículo publicado en tuderechoasaber.es el 9 de julio de 2013) El Defensor del Pueblo de Navarra ha recomendado por escrito al Gobierno foral flexibilizar los requisitos de acceso a la información y ser menos restrictivo en la ejecución técnica de la nueva Ley Foral de Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto de la Comunidad de Navarra. Esta reacción se ha producido tras una queja formal planteada desde Access Info Europe por Victoria Anderica, alertando de que a una ley de transparencia fundada sobre unos estándares avanzados como la navarra seguía en realidad toda una serie de restricciones que dificultaban el acceso a

El Defensor del Pueblo de Navarra insta al Gobierno Foral a flexibilizar sus requisitos de acceso a la información2018-11-13T10:12:31+01:00
16 Jul 2013

Análisis de las enmiendas a la totalidad y de las enmiendas parciales a la ley de transparencia presentadas por los distintos grupos parlamentarios


El proyecto de ley de transparencia, acceso a la información y buen gobierno está siendo debatido en el Congreso de los Diputados. El pasado jueves 30 de mayo se debatieron en pleno las enmiendas a la totalidad presentadas por todos los grupos parlamentarios menos el Partido Socialista Obrero Español. Próximamente empezará el debate sobre las enmiendas parciales que han presentado todos los grupos parlamentarios.

Análisis de las enmiendas a la totalidad y de las enmiendas parciales a la ley de transparencia presentadas por los distintos grupos parlamentarios2018-11-13T10:12:31+01:00
4 Jul 2013

ECHR reaffirms the fundamental character of the right of access to information


Madrid, 4 July 2013 – Whilst in Spain the main parties have closed the debate and rejected the fundamental nature of the right of access to information, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has again ruled on the contrary, reaffirming that, “the right of access to information contained in public documents is a fundamental human right that must be applied at the national level according to general principles, such as the right of access to information”.

ECHR reaffirms the fundamental character of the right of access to information2018-11-13T10:12:33+01:00
2 Jun 2013

Regulation of Lobbying in Spain – Statement by Access Info Europe


Madrid, 2 June 2013 - Today the Spanish daily El País published an article revealing the government's plans for future lobby regulation in Spain. The main highlights include the creation of an obligatory register of interest representatives, applicable to all those who undertake lobbying activities via-a-vis the upper and lower houses of Parliament. The article also outlines a series of ethics reforms such as the publication of declarations of interest by senior officials or stricter controls over conflicts of interest. Though the government has not yet released detailed information about its plans to regulate lobbying nor has it published the

Regulation of Lobbying in Spain – Statement by Access Info Europe2018-11-13T10:12:36+01:00