2 Jun 2014

European Commission attempting to block citizens’ requests via AsktheEU.org


Madrid, 2 June 2014 – The European Commission is impeding the public's right to submit access to documents requests via the AsktheEU.org web portal by refusing to register requests which are not accompanied by a postal address. AsktheEU.org, which is run by Access Info Europe, was launched in September 2011 with the aim of making the requesting process more transparent. It is set up to work via email, with requests and responses published online in real time. Hence it does not currently have the capacity to deliver postal addresses without making them public. The Commission in early May started to

European Commission attempting to block citizens’ requests via AsktheEU.org2018-11-13T10:11:49+01:00
30 May 2014

Politics for People Campaign: Now is time for new MEPs to tackle Corporate Lobbying


Brussels, Madrid, Cologne, 30 May 2014 – Civil society groups from across Europe this week called on newly elected Members of the European Parliament to make an urgent priority of tackling the problem of corporate lobbying in the next parliamentary term. The call by members of the Alliance for Lobby Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER_EU), of which Access Info Europe is a Steering Committee member, went out to all 751 new MEPs and in particular to the 174 who signed a pre-election pledge under the Politics for People campaign to ‘’stand-up for citizens and democracy against the excessive lobbying influence

Politics for People Campaign: Now is time for new MEPs to tackle Corporate Lobbying2018-11-13T10:11:49+01:00
26 May 2014

One third of new Spanish MEPs have committed to increasing transparency and controlling lobbying in Brussels


Madrid, 26 May 2014 – One third (31%) of the newly-elected Spanish MEPs have already committed to promoting transparency and regulating lobbying in Brussels, the result of a pre-election pledge campaign run in Spain by Access Info Europe. In advance of the elections, 13 of the 54 new MEPs (24%) signed a pledge to "stand up for citizens and democracy against the excessive lobbying influence of banks and big business."A further 4 candidates did not sign the pledge but had lobbying regulation and transparency in their election manifesto. Elected Candidates Who Signed the Politics for People Pledge, by Party: ›

One third of new Spanish MEPs have committed to increasing transparency and controlling lobbying in Brussels2018-11-13T10:11:49+01:00
26 May 2014

Civil society calls for full transparency about EU-US trade negotiations


Madrid, 26 May 2014 – More than 250 civil society organisations worldwide, including Access Info Europe, today called on the European Commission to make the negotiations on the future Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) open and transparent. The TTIP is the biggest bilateral trade agreement ever negotiated and it will have significant effects on the economy, the environment and the future of citizens on both sides of the Atlantic and beyond. There is a clear public interest in being able to follow these negotiations, and yet, since they started, they have taken place behind a veil of secrecy, with

Civil society calls for full transparency about EU-US trade negotiations2018-11-13T10:11:50+01:00
19 May 2014

AsktheEU.org Report on Council of the European Union: Transparency problems exposed


Madrid/Brussels, 19 May 2014 – The Council of the EU is failing to comply with EU transparency rules by not respecting time frames for responding, applying too many extensions to requests, and not informing all requesters of their right to appeal when information is denied, according to a report published today by Access Info Europe. Analysis of 50 access to documents requests submitted to the Council between 2011 and 2013 via the AsktheEU.org platform, found that the average time for answering was 20 working days, significantly over the maximum 15 working days permitted by EU law. Requests which resulted in

AsktheEU.org Report on Council of the European Union: Transparency problems exposed2018-11-13T10:11:50+01:00
7 Mar 2014

ECB Criticised for Lack of Transparency over Financial Crisis


Madrid/Brussels, 7 March 2014 – The European Central Bank (ECB) has once again come under fire for lack of transparency over the financial crisis, this time from the European Ombudsman who today regretted the decision not to release a letter sent to Ireland’s Finance Minister in November 2010. The ECB letter, which might reveal pressure on the Irish government to enter the EU’s bailout programme, was requested by Irish journalist and FOI activist Gavin Sheridan in December 2011 via the web platform AsktheEU.org. The request and all correspondence can be found here.

ECB Criticised for Lack of Transparency over Financial Crisis2020-01-29T11:25:02+01:00
7 Mar 2014

European Parliament votes to increase transparency of decision-making


Madrid/Brussels, 7 March 2014 - Access Info Europe has welcomed the decision [1] by the European Parliament to bring greater transparency to its decision making by recording and publishing records of final voting in committee. Previously most committee votes were taken by a simple show of hands and were not recorded. The decision, adopted on 26 February 2014, applies to all final votes on resolutions and legislation. It also makes it compulsory to record and publish the final votes by MEPs in plenary on non-binding resolutions. “This decision will make it easier for citizens to hold MEPs to account, and

European Parliament votes to increase transparency of decision-making2020-01-29T11:14:52+01:00
27 Feb 2014

Access Info joins We Promise campaign to get European Parliament candidates to support 10 point Charter of Digital Rights


Madrid, 27 February 2014 – Access Info Europe today joined European civil society organisations campaigning for pledges from European Parliament election candidates to support the 10 point Charter of Digital Rights. This campaign is run EDRi, a network of European civil rights organisations defending digital rights. Between 22 and 25 May 2014, European Parliament elections will take place in 28 Member States. The next five years will be hugely important for digital rights, with legislation expected on copyright, cybercrime, data protection and surveillance. The campaign aims to put digital civil rights issues firmly on the agenda of the election campaigns

Access Info joins We Promise campaign to get European Parliament candidates to support 10 point Charter of Digital Rights2020-01-29T11:15:19+01:00
3 Feb 2014

Hackathon of the European Parliament: Analysing the assets declarations of MEPs


Brussels, 24-26 January 2014 – This year’s Hackathon of the European Parliament, attended by Access Info Europe and other activists and programmers, resulted in an interactive visualisation of MEP assets declarations. Other projects by participants included an application for analysing voting, an application for searching declarations of interests, and a website that allows you to see which subjects have been tackled by the EU parliament over the past legislature. At the Hackathon, Access Info took part in the project to visualise the assets declarations of MEPs, helping to create an informative and interactive visualisation for citizens to see how many

Hackathon of the European Parliament: Analysing the assets declarations of MEPs2020-01-29T11:27:24+01:00
24 Oct 2013

Congratulations from the European Parliament and Michael Cashman on the ECJ ruling, Council v Access Info Europe


  Madrid, 22 October 2013 – The European Parliament has issued a statement welcoming the 17 October 2013 ruling by the European Court of Justice in the case of Council v Access Info Europe Case C-280/11 P stating that EU citizens need a clearer and wider access to the decision-making process. The European Parliament had joined Access Info Europe in defending against attempts by the Council of the EU to quash a 2011 its 2001 win before the General Court which ruled that the NGO should have full access to Council documents.

Congratulations from the European Parliament and Michael Cashman on the ECJ ruling, Council v Access Info Europe2018-11-13T10:12:19+01:00