9 May 2013

New Guide on Access to EU Documents


Madrid, 9 May 2013 – To celebrate Europe Day, Access Info is launching a citizen-friendly Guide on Access to EU Documents and is calling on members of the public and civil society organisations to exercise their rights and file access to documents requests. The EU has recognised a fundamental right of access to EU documents, but the EU's freedom of information law – which goes by the catchy title of 'Regulation 1049/2001' – remains underused by the population at large. The new guide demystifies the process of asking for EU documents explaining step by step how to make a request.

New Guide on Access to EU Documents2018-11-13T10:12:43+01:00
9 May 2013

Citizens trip to Brussels: Figuring out the European Union Institutions


Citizens trip to Brussels: Figuring out the European Union Institutions Brussels, 18 November 2012 – As part of the EU Citizens Project, 46 citizens from 6 countries in Europe had the opportunity to travel to Brussels, from the 14 to 16 November 2012, as part of a trip organised to bring citizens closer to the EU institutions and to encourage them to participate. On the morning of the first day, two groups of citizens started the “lobby tour” in the European quarter of Brussels, listening to explanations from lobby experts, Oliver Hoedeman, Pascoe Sabido and Richard Tabsey of Corporate Europe

Citizens trip to Brussels: Figuring out the European Union Institutions2018-11-13T10:12:43+01:00
24 Apr 2013

The Voices of EU Citizens Presented in Brussels


“I don’t want to be rich, I want to be happy” Madrid/Brussels, 24 April 2013 — Access Info Europe today called on the European Union to make the “European Year of Citizens” a reality by removing obstacles to participation in Brussels decision making, in particular by increasing levels of EU transparency. *A member of the Spanish public speaking in this video which captures the voices of European Citizens facing up to the current financial crisis Citizens’ Report (EN) Citizens’ Report (FR) Citizens’ Report (ES) Presenting “The Citizens’ Report: Participation, Ethics and Transparency – What citizens want from Brussels”, the culmination

The Voices of EU Citizens Presented in Brussels2018-11-13T10:12:44+01:00
22 Feb 2013

EU Transparency on Trial


Luxembourg, 21 February 2013 – At a public hearing before the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg on Thursday 21 February 2013, the Council of the European Union argued that secrecy about the positions of different Member States is necessary for its “effectiveness”. Specifically, the Council defended withholding from Access Info Europe in 2008 the names of Member States in a document which contained proposals to revise the EU’s access to documents rules in a way which would limit EU transparency.

EU Transparency on Trial2018-11-13T10:12:48+01:00
31 Jan 2013

European poll shows considerable concern about EU Ethics


European poll reveals widespread concern about EU Transparency   Vast majority of people want more transparency, ethics and lobbying regulation Brussels, 31 January 2013 – A majority of people across Europe are concerned about ethics and lobbying in European Union policy-making, and want better regulation of lobbyists, as well as increased transparency of the EU, according to a new opinion poll. [1] The poll conducted by TNS opinion, and completed by over 6,000 people in six European countries, reveals that three quarters (73%) of respondents are concerned that lobbyists representing the business sector have too much influence

European poll shows considerable concern about EU Ethics2020-01-29T11:24:40+01:00
5 Dec 2012

Participation, ethics and transparency: what citizens want from Brussels


Participation, ethics and transparency: What citizens want from Brussels Brussels, 17 November 2012 – The European Union is ever more important in influencing the laws and policies that affect more than 500 million europeans. Yet very few know about our european representatives and the influence of interest groups upon them. Therefore, various organisations around Europe, including Access Info Europe, Friends of the Earth Europe, Spinwatch, Environmental Law Service, HAI Europe and Aitec have decided to make citizens aware about the topic through various national campaigns in favour of lobbying regulation through the EU Citizens Project. The last meeting aimed to

Participation, ethics and transparency: what citizens want from Brussels2018-11-13T10:13:09+01:00
28 Sep 2012

Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber – Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas en los Bancos Internacionales de Desarrollo


Seminario organizado por el Defensor del pueblo Europeo en colaboración con el Mecanismo de Reclamaciones del Banco Europeo de Inversiones Desde el año 2003, los defensores del Derecho a la Información de todo el mundo celebran el día internacional del derecho a saber. Aproximadamente un tercio de las investigaciones realizadas por la oficina del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo están relacionadas con la falta de transparencia, por lo que el Defensor del pueblo Europeo, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, consciente del problema, ha mostrado su interés en señalar la importancia del Derecho a la Información y, este año, está colaborando con el Banco

Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber – Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas en los Bancos Internacionales de Desarrollo2018-11-13T10:13:12+01:00
28 Sep 2012

AsktheEU results 2012


AsktheEU.org | EU Transparency Results 2012 Brussels, 28 September 2012 – In the year running up to 28 September 2012, members of the European public presented a total of 214 requests for documents with European institutions and bodies using the AsktheEU.org request platform. As of 23 September, almost 65% of the 214 requests made using AsktheEU.org resulted in full (37%) or partial (28%) disclosure of documents. In a further 19% of instances (40 requests) the institution responded that it did not hold the information requested, either because the document did not exist or because it was not in that institutions’

AsktheEU results 20122018-11-13T10:13:12+01:00
14 Aug 2012

AsktheEU.org questionnaire


Share your opinion on AsktheEU.org! AsktheEU.org is an interactive platform created by Access Info Europe, in collaboration with MySociety to help members of the public get information from the European Union. On the 1 year anniversary - 28 September 2012 we will publish the report on its functioning including information about how the EU institutions handle requests. Meanwhile AsktheEU team is working on improving the site. We would like to hear your feedback, as a user, so that we can prioritise the improvements based on your needs. Please, fill out our form and share your opinion about AsktheEU.org

AsktheEU.org questionnaire2018-11-13T10:13:15+01:00