10 Apr 2012

España y transparencia en la UE


España debe comprometerse con la transparencia en la reforma del Reglamento europeo Madrid, 11 abril 2012 – Hoy, Access Info Europe y Ecologistas en Acción han instado al gobierno español a que se posicione claramente a favor de una mayor transparencia dentro de la Unión Europea, en consonancia con el actual proceso abierto para aprobar la ley estatal de transparencia. El Reglamento europeo de Acceso a Documentos (1049/2001) permite a los ciudadanos presentar solicitudes de acceso a los documentos de la Unión Europea directamente a las instituciones y les obliga a responder en un plazo de 15 días. Actualmente está

España y transparencia en la UE2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00
10 Apr 2012

Renewed threat on access to EU documents


Renewed Threat on Access to EU Documents – EU Transparency Campaign 10 April 2012 – After a series of inter-governmental negotiations, fears that Member States are using the reform of the EU access to documents regulation as an opportunity to add new exceptions and to weaken the right of access to EU document have recently been renewed by a Council document, dated 30 March 2012, which outlines the “state of play” of the reform process. The paper mentions the very real possibility that new, blanket exceptions for documents “requiring special protection” would be introduced into the Regulation. This would affect

Renewed threat on access to EU documents2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00
28 Mar 2012

20 Demands Campaign: Update


20 Demands on the future of access to EU documents: Campaign Update Madrid, 25 March 2012 – Since the 20 demands on the future of the EU access to documents Regulation were launched for civil society sign-on on 7 March 2012, 3 European Information Commissioners, 67 Non-governmental organisations and 6 Civil Society Coalitions representing 249 organisations have joined the campaign. Click here to download the 20 demands on the future of EU transparency. The 20 demands are presented to the Member State representatives working on the revision of the EU access to documents Regulation before each of their inter-governmental meetings

20 Demands Campaign: Update2018-11-13T10:13:22+01:00
6 Mar 2012

Reforming Regulation 1049


EU Transparency Campaign on the reform of EU access to documents Regulation Access Info Europe is calling for civil society support for the campaign on the reform of the EU access to documents Regulation, which aims to strengthen the right of access to EU documents or, at the very least, to avoid any narrowing of the current right of access to documents. Access Info Europe has prepared a briefing paper setting out the key points where reform of Regulation 1049 is necessary to bring it into line with the TFEU and international standards on the right of access to information,

Reforming Regulation 10492018-11-13T10:13:23+01:00
9 Dec 2011

European Parliament adopts proposals to improve EU transparency rules


European Parliament adopts proposals to improve EU transparency rules Amsterdam/Madrid/Brussels 15 December 2011 – Access Info Europe, ClientEarth and Greenpeace on 15 December welcomed a vote by the European Parliament vote, adopting proposals to improve the EU’s access to documents rules by a convincing 394 votes in favour, 197 against with 35 abstentions. The proposed reforms, contained in a report drawn up by Michael Cashman MEP already adopted by the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee, are now the Parliament’s formal position and will be negotiated with the Council of the European Union, under the upcoming Danish Presidency (first

European Parliament adopts proposals to improve EU transparency rules2018-11-13T10:13:25+01:00
27 Sep 2011

AsktheEU.org launch


AsktheEU.org: New one-stop portal makes requests for EU documents easy Brussels/Madrid, Wednesday 28 September 2011 – On 28 September 2011, the 9th International Right to Know Day, pro-transparency human rights group Access Info Europe will be unveiling the AsktheEU.org web portal by which the public can ask for information from EU bodies. AsktheEU.org is a designed to radically simplify the process by which the public puts requests to European Union bodies: an email is sent from the website to the relevant EU body. All requests sent via AsktheEU.org and the responses are instantly made public. Requesters will have the opportunity

AsktheEU.org launch2019-10-25T12:29:03+02:00
25 Sep 2011

Court Case New Players


Legal battle over EU transparency gathers pace 26 September 2011 - Three new players have joined the legal battle over the future of transparency of the Council of the European Union, to be decided by the European Court of Justice (second instance). The Czech Republic and Spain have announced they will join Greece and the UK in supporting the Council's fight to keep the names of Member States making legislative proposals secret. Access Info together with the UK NGOs including the Open Rights Group, the Campaign for Freedom of Information, and Unlock Democracy will use International Right to Know Day

Court Case New Players2018-11-13T10:13:30+01:00
21 Sep 2011

UK transparency at home vs Brussels case


UK promises transparency at home whilst fighting it in Brussels Number 10 Downing Street, Transparency Portal 9 September 2011: Despite domestic efforts to open up government, the UK has taken a stance against transparency in Brussels by being party to a legal battle at the European Court of Justice which if successful would limit public access to documents about future laws. As much as 50% of national legislation is now influenced by European Union rules. The pro-transparency organisation Access Info Europe won a case in March 2011 for access to legislative documents, but the Council of the European Union is

UK transparency at home vs Brussels case2018-11-13T10:13:30+01:00
3 Aug 2011

new german transparency website


Germany: Civil society website makes it easier to ask for government information Madrid/Berlin, Friday 1 August 2011 – A coalition of German and international access to information organisations, which includes Access Info Europe, [1] today launched a portal for submitting information requests to the German government.

new german transparency website2018-11-13T10:13:30+01:00
22 Jul 2011

transparency in the EU


Transparency in the European Union Access Info is working towards a more transparent EU by promoting stronger rules for access to documents and ensuring that existing rules are properly applied. We provide training on how to request information from the EU, campaign for greater transparency and, when necessary, litigate to get access to information. We also manage www.AsktheEU.org, an online platform for making access to documents requests to the European Union. Access Info Europe's EU Transparency Priorities EU Transparency Priorities / About Regulation 1049/2001 Access Info Europe's Guide on Access to EU Documents Download the Guide Access Info Europe's Helpdesk

transparency in the EU2018-11-13T10:13:31+01:00