3 Apr 2012

How to make a more transparent registration


How to make a more transparent registration Brussels, 3 April 2012 – Members of the EU Civil Society Contact Group and ALTER-EU have decided to adopt higher standard of transparency than the inconsistent and insufficient requirements for registration in the “Transparency Register”. Our guidelines for registration set a constructive example of how the “Transparency Register” could be easily improved.

How to make a more transparent registration2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00
20 Mar 2012

New ethical code too weak to prevent another ‘lobbygate’


New ethical code too weak to prevent another ‘lobbygate’ Brussels, 20 March 2012 – Today marks the first anniversary of the ‘cash-for-amendments’ scandal, in which several Members of the European Parliament were exposed tabling legislative amendments in exchange for money. Ethics campaigners warn that the new code introduced following the scandal does not include all the safeguards necessary to prevent another ‘lobbygate’.

New ethical code too weak to prevent another ‘lobbygate’2018-11-13T10:13:22+01:00
24 Nov 2011

Commission urged to do more to tackle the Revolving Door Phenomenon


Commission urged to do more to tackle the Revolving Door Phenomenon Brussels, November 2011 – The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation has launched a new report which calls on the EU institutions to work more actively to block the “revolving door”, by which EU staff move from public sector positions to jobs in the private sector, and vice versa. ALTER EU’s major concern about the revolving door phenomenon is the potential for conflicts of interest to arise if ex-officials abuse the know-how, contacts or status acquired through their public sector jobs to provide their new employers or clients

Commission urged to do more to tackle the Revolving Door Phenomenon2018-11-13T10:13:26+01:00