23 Jan 2014

Access Info condemns German Government attempts to block dissemination of documents obtained using FOI law


Madrid, 23 January 2014 – Access Info Europe today condemned the cease and desist order sent by the German Government to information request platform FragdenStaat.de, requiring it to take offline a document written by government staff and obtained under Germany’s access to information law on the grounds of protection of copyright. The document is an opinion about a German Federal Constitutional Court judgement that had declared the 5% minimum share of votes for political parties to take seats in the European elections as unconstitutional. Contrary to the opinion – which also stated that any other kind of threshold would also

Access Info condemns German Government attempts to block dissemination of documents obtained using FOI law2018-11-13T10:12:12+01:00
14 Nov 2013

Ireland: Campaign to block FOI fee increases successful, but unacceptable €15 up-front fee remains


Madrid/Halifax, 15 November 2013 - Intense campaigning by Irish and international civil society organisations has resulted in an important policy reversal by the Irish government. The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin, has withdrawn, for now at least, an amendment to the Freedom of Information Bill 2013 which threatened to charge multiple up-front fees for requests deemed to include more than one question. Welcoming the withdrawal of the proposed amendment to expand the charging regime, Access Info Europe and Centre for Law and Democracy today wrote to Minister Howlin urging him to go further and abolish the existing

Ireland: Campaign to block FOI fee increases successful, but unacceptable €15 up-front fee remains2018-11-13T10:12:17+01:00
12 Nov 2013

Fees for FOI Requests Breach European Rules on Access to Information


Madrid/Dublin, 12 November 2013 – The specialist freedom of information NGO Access Info Europe today expressed serious concern at attempts to maintain and even increase fees for FOI requests in Ireland and noted this is not permitted by European and international standards. Access Info Europe noted that the Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents expressly prohibits charges for requests. The Convention clearly states that a fee may only be charged to the applicant “for a copy of the official document, which should be reasonable and not exceed the actual costs of reproduction and delivery of the document”

Fees for FOI Requests Breach European Rules on Access to Information2018-11-13T10:12:18+01:00
9 Sep 2013

Civil society groups warn UK Lobbying Bill is too weak on transparency


Civil society groups warn UK Lobbying Bill is too weak on transparency London, 9 September 2013 – Access Info Europe, together with 14 other civil society groups from the UK, is urging the British Government to redraft the proposed Lobbying Bill so that it provides the public with a genuine opportunity to scrutinise the activities of lobbyists. The letter sent today to the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, calls for a more thorough transparency register which is not restricted to consultant lobbyists, but which would also include in-house lobbyists, big consultancies, and other entities that offer lobbying services such as

Civil society groups warn UK Lobbying Bill is too weak on transparency2018-11-13T10:12:24+01:00
24 Jul 2013

Poland: Access to information implementation by public bodies results


Madrid/Warsaw, 30 June 2014 – Access Info Europe participated in a conference, working with Polish NGO Cities on the Internet, to present the final assessment of levels of implementation of The Access to Public Information Act 2001 by public bodies at the central and regional level. The project, led by Cities on the Internet, aimed to promote a more effective realization of the constitutional right of access to public information by gathering data and analytical evidence necessary for civic oversight of implementation of that right, as well as its exercise. The project researched, analysed legal frameworks, publications, training, and created

Poland: Access to information implementation by public bodies results2018-11-13T10:12:30+01:00
19 Jul 2013

Access Info asks for a deeper reform on transparency in France


Madrid, 15 July 2013 – France has recently been embroiled in multiple scandals that have revealed a number of situations of conflicts of interest within the public institutions. In order to restore citizens’ trust in their representatives, the French government has made the issue of transparency a high priority on the political agenda. On 24 April, the Ayrault government proposed before the national assembly’s bureau two drafts laws on the transparency of public life. The texts are now being examined by the French Parliament.

Access Info asks for a deeper reform on transparency in France2018-11-13T10:12:30+01:00
15 Jul 2013

Constitutional Provisions for Access to Information


What is a constitution? A constitution is the basic law of a given country. It lays out the formal structure of the state, defining the central governments powers and institutions. Moreover, it specifies the relationship between the central government and other levels. Additionally, the constitution establishes the rights of citizens and thereby creates limits on the government. How many of the 47 countries within the Council of Europe have a constitutional provision on access to information? 25 of the member states of the Council of European have a constitutional provision on access to information. Where can you normally find the

Constitutional Provisions for Access to Information2021-03-04T13:40:32+01:00
8 Jul 2013

Access to Information Laws in Europe


In this section you can find the English language texts of access to information laws from across Europe. For each country, we also provide you with a link to the country-pages of the RTI Rating website, where you can find detailed analyses of all the world’s access to information laws, against 61 indicators developed by an international panel of access to information experts.

Access to Information Laws in Europe2021-03-04T13:40:09+01:00
27 Jun 2013

ECHR ruling Youth Initiative NGO Serbia


Fundamental right of access to information strengthened by ECHR ruling Madrid, 27 June 2013 – Access Info Europe welcomes the recent decision by the European Court of Human Rights which further strengthens the right of access to information held by public bodies. A summary of the ruling The ECHR ruled on the case between ‘Youth Initiative for Human Rights vs. the Republic of Serbia’ about the refusal of the Serbian intelligence agency to provide the NGO with certain information concerning electronic surveillance, despite a final and binding decision in favour of disclosure by the Serbian Information Commissioner in 2005.

ECHR ruling Youth Initiative NGO Serbia2018-11-13T10:12:33+01:00
17 Jun 2013

Access Info Europe calls on the Ukrainian Parliament to adopt without further delay important amendments concerning access to information


Madrid, 15 June 2013 – Access Info Europe calls on the Ukrainian Parliament to adopt Draft Law No. 0947 before summer recess and align Ukrainian legislation with the new information laws that Ukraine passed in 2011. Draft amendments are pending in the Parliament since May 2012 and are key for the proper enforcement of the landmark 2011 Law of Ukraine on Access to Public Information which was recognized as one of the best legal texts on the subject globally .

Access Info Europe calls on the Ukrainian Parliament to adopt without further delay important amendments concerning access to information2018-11-13T10:12:34+01:00