15 April 2015, Madrid, Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid, Calle de Juan Bravo, 6
Victoria Anderica Caffarena will speak at the press conference organised by the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona to present the results of the Mapa Infoparticipa. This project aims at evaluating the transparency of the local governments portals in 6 comunidades autónomas: Cataluña, Madrid, Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias and Galicia. The other speakers will be
- Amparo Moreno Sardà,professo at the UAB and director of the Laboratorio de Periodismo y Comunicación para la Ciudadanía Plural (LPCCP), from where data for the Mapa Infoparticipa are processed
- Marta Corcoy Rius researcher of the LPCCP
- Juan Luís Manfredi Sánchez, professor of the Universidad de Castilla–La Mancha
- Cristina Moreno de Alborán from Civio
The full programme is downloadable here