Why is the right of access to information important for journalism?
A Guide for Journalists on How to Access Information
The Legal Leaks Toolkit, developed by Access Info Europe and n-ost, helps journalists access information using Access to Information laws. The Toolkit is available in a generic international version and can be adapted to the legal framework of any country. The existing national versions, translated into local languages, are available below. You can also read more below about our training programme and about how to contact
the Legal Leaks Help Desk.
Why do media experts think access to information is important?
Journalists, activists, and media experts speak about the importance of access to information in their daily work. Watch all interviews here!
That little detail in the relationship between journalists and sources, that little one, is so important that could change the way in which we tell stories.
It is extremely important that there is this mechanism that you can use as a journalist to say «Hang on a minute, you need to give us this, because we have a right to know».
It’s a great way to get stories, it’s a great way to fin out what governments in particular are doing, it’s a great way to find out where money goes, it’s a great way to prove accountability.
The right of access to information is very important for the journalists’ work; it’s important for everyday work, but it’s even more important for investigations.
Journalism is about investigation, it’s about asking questions; but it’s about documents as well, as a proof for questions, as a proof for answers
Basically, I need access to information to do my job as someone who is supposed to ensure the accountability of politicians, of public officials.
Cover photo: European Parliament via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Petición para que no se puedan declarar secretas violaciones de los derechos humanos
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