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So far Helen Darbishire has created 1914 blog entries.
4 Oct 2017

La sociedad civil demanda una sólida regulación del lobby


Madrid, 4 de octubre de 2017 – Access Info Europe y Transparencia Internacional España instan a los grupos parlamentarios a que la regulación del lobby en el Congreso de los Diputados garantice la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en la toma de decisiones, en línea con los estándares internacionales. Las organizaciones han valorado positivamente la reanudación del debate sobre la regulación de la actividad de los lobbies a través de la Proposición de reforma del Reglamento del Congreso de los Diputados presentada por el Grupo Parlamentario Popular. Sin embargo, consideran que el alcance del actual texto es muy limitado,

La sociedad civil demanda una sólida regulación del lobby2018-11-13T10:06:28+01:00
29 Sep 2017

Decision-Making Transparency in Europe identified as top priority on International Right to Know Day


Brussels, 29 September 2017 – Members of the European Parliament together with CSOs, academics, and journalists from across the EU have called for greater openness of decision making and full transparency of spending of public funds in the final declaration of an International Right to Know Day event held on 28 September 2017. The closing statement of the expert, high-level event, organised by the European Parliament’s cross-party Transparency and Anti-Corruption Intergroup (ITCO) along with Access Info Europe and Anticor Belgium, also called for full respect for the right of access to information, and urged all EU Member States to align

Decision-Making Transparency in Europe identified as top priority on International Right to Know Day2018-11-13T10:03:07+01:00
21 Sep 2017

La Audiencia Nacional ordena la publicación de documentos sobre la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto


[ACTUALIZACIÓN - 2 de marzo de 2018 - Los documentos publicados están disponibes aquí.] Madrid, 21 de septiembre de 2017 – La Audiencia Nacional confirma la sentencia de primera instancia y dictamina que el Gobierno Español debe otorgar a Access Info Europe los documentos relacionados con la participación en la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP en sus siglas en inglés), tal y como había resuelto el Consejo de Transparencia. La sentencia firme rechaza por segunda vez el intento del Gobierno de considerar los informes de avance sobre el Plan de Acción de la OGP como documentos internos de carácter

La Audiencia Nacional ordena la publicación de documentos sobre la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto2018-11-13T10:06:29+01:00
14 Sep 2017

EU Commissioners’ travel expenses to be published proactively every two months


Madrid, 14 September 2017 - Access Info today cautiously welcomed draft changes to the Code of Conduct for EU Commissioners announced yesterday by the EU, which will require the proactive publication of travel expenses every two months. The pro-transparency organisation, which, with the support of 120 citizens from across Europe, has been campaigning for access to the Commissioners’ travel expenses, noted that the draft text of the Code contains nothing on the precise data to be made public. Access Info has called for more specificities. “The devil is in the detail. A truly transparent system will provide citizens with enough

EU Commissioners’ travel expenses to be published proactively every two months2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00
13 Sep 2017

Access Info urges OECD to adopt strong and clear definition of Open Government


Madrid, 13 September 2017 – Access Info Europe has urged the Organisation for Cooperation and Economic Development (OECD) to adopt a definition of an “Open Government” as one characterised by transparency, participation, responsiveness, and accountability, in line with increasingly established standards set by bodies such as the Open Government Partnership. Responding to the OECD’s public consultation on Open Government, Access Info raised concerns that the draft Recommendation confused three things: - the tools needed to achieve open government (such as use of new technologies to open up data) - the characteristics of an open government (transparency, participation and accountability) -

Access Info urges OECD to adopt strong and clear definition of Open Government2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00
1 Sep 2017

EU President Juncker plans to publish Commission travel expenses – Access Info calls for full and detailed transparency


Madrid, 1 September 2017 - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is planning to publish the travel expenses of the EU’s 28 Commissioners according to reports today by Le Soir newspaper and Politico.eu. This move comes in the wake of a campaign by Access Info and 120 requesters from across Europe, which generated intense media coverage earlier in August. Reports suggest that publication of the data will only happen once per year and will be designed to give the public a “picture” of the travel costs. Access Info is calling for more frequent publication, noting that once every month should be

EU President Juncker plans to publish Commission travel expenses – Access Info calls for full and detailed transparency2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00