Companies operating in the public sphere should be accountable for their actions and impacts on human rights and the environment, and in order to achieve this, transparency is essential.
» A través de la legislación: La Unión Europea , por ejemplo, ha adoptado una serie de leyes que exigen que las empresas de sectores específicos informen sobre sus repercusiones y actividades. Descubre más aquí » A través del derecho fundamental a la información: El acceso a la información es un derecho humano fundamental y, por tanto, no puede ser violado por ningún actor privado. Sin embargo, los actores privados aún no están obligados a responder a las solicitudes de libertad de información; excepto en Sudáfrica.
» Noticias sobre Transparencia Empresarial: vigilamos la legislación en materia de transparencia empresarial.
» Transparencia sobre la propiedad de las empresas: Utilizamos las leyes de acceso a la información para probar la accesibilidad de la información corporativa en la práctica y para impulsar una mayor transparencia.
Request Process in Gibraltar
Summary: No Freedom of Information Law and You Must Pay For Access Request sent to Companies House Gibraltar (Click here) Outcome of request Information refused. Time taken to respond 25 working days from original request (No FOI law in Gibraltar) Reason for refusal Must pay for access. No access to
Request Process in Czech Republic
Summary: Access to the register is improved, but names of shareholders are not accessible. Request sent to Ministry of Justice Ministry of Industry and Business Outcome of request Ministry of Justice: Partial Information, following a series of appealsMinistry of Industry and Business: Information refused. This decision is currently under appeal
Request Process in Macedonia
Summary: Institutions Can Refuse Free Access to Information to Protect Their Commercial Interests Request sent to Central Register of Macedonia (Click here) Outcome of request Information refused. Time taken to respond 5 working days to receive a postal response. However, they phoned us same day we sent the request. (Deadline
Request Process in Liechtenstein
Summary: The Information Act Is Subordinate to the Company Register Laws Request sent to Ministry of Justice - Commercial Register Division (Click here) Outcome of request Information refused. Time taken to respond 35 days (deadline is 14 calendar days) Reason for refusal Only need to answer requests for individual records.
Request Process in Kosovo
Summary: Oral Refusal Followed By Administrative Silence Request sent to Agency for Business Registration (Click here) Outcome of request Administrative Silence Time taken to respond N/A (Deadline is of 15 working days) Reason for refusal N/A On 5 August 2013, a request for access to the full company register