Companies operating in the public sphere should be accountable for their actions and impacts on human rights and the environment, and in order to achieve this, transparency is essential.
» A través de la legislación: La Unión Europea , por ejemplo, ha adoptado una serie de leyes que exigen que las empresas de sectores específicos informen sobre sus repercusiones y actividades. Descubre más aquí » A través del derecho fundamental a la información: El acceso a la información es un derecho humano fundamental y, por tanto, no puede ser violado por ningún actor privado. Sin embargo, los actores privados aún no están obligados a responder a las solicitudes de libertad de información; excepto en Sudáfrica.
» Noticias sobre Transparencia Empresarial: vigilamos la legislación en materia de transparencia empresarial.
» Transparencia sobre la propiedad de las empresas: Utilizamos las leyes de acceso a la información para probar la accesibilidad de la información corporativa en la práctica y para impulsar una mayor transparencia.
European Parliament moves forward on Transparency of Company Ownership
Madrid, 21 February 2014 – In an important move with widespread implications for the defence of human rights and the fight against corruption, the European Parliament moved a step closer towards a legal obligation for companies to disclose their real or “beneficial” owners on 20 February 2014. The progress came
Access Info Europe calls for the creation and publication of registers of beneficial owners.
Madrid, 4 December 2013 - Access Info Europe together with Inspiraction and Intermon Oxfam has called upon Spanish MEPs to support the creation of a public register of beneficial owners of any kind of corporate structure, trusts, and businesses. This letter was has been sent in the context of an
Non-financial reporting: concerns over weakening of the EU proposals on corporate transparency
Brussels, 28 October 2013 – In April 2013 the EU Commission launched a reform to improve corporate transparency on environmental and human rights matters. The European Coalition for Corporate Justice , which Access Info is a member of, welcomed the initiative as a first step towards corporate accountability, while highlighting
Civil society outlines concerns to DG Enlargement about Montenegrin efforts to combat corruption
Podgorica/Madrid, 23 October 2013 - Today, Access Info with Montenegrin and international civil society organisations outlined concerns about Montenegro's efforts to combat corruption and organised crime, highlighting the reduction of information publically available on the national company register, in a letter sent to Mr. Dirk Lange, the Head of Unit
Montenegrin Company Register must remain open to public
Madrid, 26 September 2013 - Access Info Europe today published an open letter calling upon the Montenegin authorities to provide full access to the national company register, and other registers without delay, after learning that it will be closed from public access on the grounds of data privacy. Access Info