Companies operating in the public sphere should be accountable for their actions and impacts on human rights and the environment, and in order to achieve this, transparency is essential.
» A través de la legislación: La Unión Europea , por ejemplo, ha adoptado una serie de leyes que exigen que las empresas de sectores específicos informen sobre sus repercusiones y actividades. Descubre más aquí » A través del derecho fundamental a la información: El acceso a la información es un derecho humano fundamental y, por tanto, no puede ser violado por ningún actor privado. Sin embargo, los actores privados aún no están obligados a responder a las solicitudes de libertad de información; excepto en Sudáfrica.
» Noticias sobre Transparencia Empresarial: vigilamos la legislación en materia de transparencia empresarial.
» Transparencia sobre la propiedad de las empresas: Utilizamos las leyes de acceso a la información para probar la accesibilidad de la información corporativa en la práctica y para impulsar una mayor transparencia.
Voluntary corporate reporting is not sufficient!
Madrid, 29 November 2011 - Non financial reporting has proved to be a very important tool in encouraging companies to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies. Multinational companies have a substantial influence on the planet and on human life, and corporate non financial information disclosure is a way to ensure
EU’s response to Bangladesh fatal incidents in garment industry is not sufficient; the EU needs to regulate its own companies!
Madrid, 10 July 2013 - 2013 has been marked by a series of fatal incidents in the Bangladeshi garment industry. The Rana Plaza disaster, in which more than 1100 people were killed following the collapse of a building, revealed the bad working conditions in the textile sector in Bangladesh. The
Access Info and ECCJ call for a strong EU position on corporate non financial reporting
Brussels, 18 July 2013 - European multinational companies strongly affect the lives and the environment in which they operate, and that is why it is essential that they report on the social, environmental and human rights aspects of their activities. It has been recognized that non financial reporting is not
What is non financial reporting and why is it important for corporate transparency?
Non financial reporting is the disclosure of a company's social, environmental and human rights information. It is also known as Environmental, Social and Governance information (ESG). Today, European multinational companies have expanded to a point where they have a significant impact on a variety of areas such as the economy,
Transparency of Company Registers
Madrid, 1 August 2013 - Access Info Europe and the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project are conducting comparative research with investigative journalists in 30 countries across Europe on the openness of national company registers. The aim of the project is to push for free public acces to Company Registers