Companies operating in the public sphere should be accountable for their actions and impacts on human rights and the environment, and in order to achieve this, transparency is essential.
» A través de la legislación: La Unión Europea , por ejemplo, ha adoptado una serie de leyes que exigen que las empresas de sectores específicos informen sobre sus repercusiones y actividades. Descubre más aquí » A través del derecho fundamental a la información: El acceso a la información es un derecho humano fundamental y, por tanto, no puede ser violado por ningún actor privado. Sin embargo, los actores privados aún no están obligados a responder a las solicitudes de libertad de información; excepto en Sudáfrica.
» Noticias sobre Transparencia Empresarial: vigilamos la legislación en materia de transparencia empresarial.
» Transparencia sobre la propiedad de las empresas: Utilizamos las leyes de acceso a la información para probar la accesibilidad de la información corporativa en la práctica y para impulsar una mayor transparencia.
Request Process in Spain
Summary: The Access to Information Law defers to other legislation Request sent to Ministry of Justice Outcome of request Information refused Time taken to respond 6 working days (deadline is 1 month) Reason for refusal FOI exceptions applied to registers. Personal privacy. Information not held. The initial request was
Request Process in Greece
Summary: Administrative Silence: No response to our request Request sent to Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Click here) Outcome of request Administrative Silence Time taken to respond N/A (Deadline is one month) Reason for refusal N/A The initial request was sent to the Athens Chamber of Commerce and
Request Process in Croatia
Summary: One Year Waiting for the Information Commissioner's Ruling Request sent to High Commercial Court Ministry of Justice Croatian Chamber of Commerce Outcome of request High Commercial Court: Referral to Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice: Refused, but PENDING OUTCOME OF APPEAL TO INFORMATION COMMISSIONER Croatian Chamber of Commerce: Refused,
Request Process in Ukraine
Summary:The Freedom of Information Law Does Not Apply Request sent to State Registration Service (Click here) Outcome of request Information Refused Time taken to respond 5 working days (Deadline is 5 working days) Reason for refusal Another law overrides FOI law. The initial request for a copy of the full
Request Process in Switzerland
Summary: Information Commissioner Rules That Specific Company Register Law Trumps Access to Information Law Request sent to Business and Enterprise Register (BER) Outcome of request Information refused Time taken to respond 6 working days (Deadline is 20 working days) Reason for refusal Another law overrides FOI law Only need to