4 Ago 2015

Sustainable Development Goals Now Include Commitments on Transparency and Participation


Madrid, 4 August 2015 – Access Info Europe, along with the other members of the Transparency, Accountability and Participation Network, have welcomed the inclusion of specific references to open data, transparency and participation in the outcome document summarising the Third International Conference on Financing for Development. The organisations had previously written to all UN delegations on 9 April 2015 with suggestions for drafting the document that sought to strengthen the commitments on transparency and openness, some of which were taken on board. However, the organisations lamented the fact that the commiments on transparency or open data were not substantiated by

Sustainable Development Goals Now Include Commitments on Transparency and Participation2018-11-13T10:04:48+01:00
22 May 2015

Civil society secures European Parliament support for transparency of mineral imports


Madrid, 22 May 2015 – The European Parliament this week took a strong stance in favour of binding rules on transparency for the mineral extraction industry, following a letter sent to MEPs signed by 157 civil society organisations, including Access Info Europe, calling for action to tackle the deadly trade in conflict minerals. The civil society letter called on MEPs to require all companies bringing minerals into the EU – whether in their raw form or contained in products – to carry out supply chain due diligence and publicly report in line with international standards. If it eventually becomes law,

Civil society secures European Parliament support for transparency of mineral imports2018-11-13T09:46:31+01:00
29 Abr 2015

Police and Protests Infographics


'Transparency of the Policing of Protests': Report Infographics Below you will find our seven infographics (one interactive, and six question-by-question) on the research conducted for our Transparency of the Policing of Protests Report. Please feel free to download and use these as you wish - why not share them on social media! Findings Question-by-Question Report Summary And Overview Report Findings Question-by-Question We asked about legislation... We asked about the types of equipment permitted in protests... We asked about supplementary equipment at their disposal...

Police and Protests Infographics2018-11-13T09:46:32+01:00
24 Abr 2015

The Transparency of the Policing of Protests


Report finds Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests Madrid, 24 April 2015 - There is a serious lack of transparency about the use of various types of equipment during policing of protests according to a report published today by Access Info Europe, following research conducted in 42 countries and territories across Europe by means of access to information requests. The research by the Madrid-based pro-transparency organisation aimed to get a comprehensive picture of the legal framework for, and the actual use of different types of, equipment – including batons, shields, tear gas, and rubber bullets. This goal was

The Transparency of the Policing of Protests2018-11-13T09:46:33+01:00
14 Abr 2015

Global civil society mobilise to put transparency at heart of UN development agenda


Madrid, 14 April 2015 - Transparency, accountability and participation must be at the heart of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Financing for Development (FfD) agenda according to a position paper published today by the Transparency, Accountability and Participation in Post-2015 (TAP) Network, which was supported by Access Info Europe and 26 other civil society organisations from around the world. According to the TAP Network, a lack of transparent and accountable governance has cost developing and emerging economies $6.6 trillion USD (€5.5 trillion) over the past decade alone. The TAP Network paper, disseminated to all UN Missions on

Global civil society mobilise to put transparency at heart of UN development agenda2020-02-14T14:00:35+01:00
13 Abr 2015

Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests


Madrid, 13 April 2015 - There is a serious lack of transparency about the use of various types of equipment during policing of protests according to Access Info Europe, following research conducted in 42 countries and territories across Europe by means of access to information requests. The research by the Madrid-based pro-transparency organisation aimed to get a comprehensive picture of the legal framework for and actual use of different types of equipment – including batons, shields, tear gas, and rubber bullets. This goal was frustrated by the fact that not one of the 42 countries surveyed provided full information to

Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests2021-06-03T17:49:19+02:00
30 Sep 2014

Civil society letter calls for UN SG Ban Ki-moon to recognise Right to Know in Post-15 Report


Madrid, 30 September 2014 - On the occasion of International Right to Know Day, Access Info Europe together with 130 other organisations has written an open letter to UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, calling on him to recognise freedom of expression and the right to information in his Post-2015 report. The UN secretary General and his team are drafting a report on Post-2015 which will kick off formal negotiations for the Sustainable Development Goals next year. For the past couple of years, civil society groups from all over the world have been calling on states to ensure good governance and

Civil society letter calls for UN SG Ban Ki-moon to recognise Right to Know in Post-15 Report2018-11-13T10:11:42+01:00
17 Mar 2014

Victoria Anderica denuncia la falta de transparencia en los CIE en ‘El Objetivo’


Madrid, 17 de marzo de 2014 - Victoria Anderica de Access Info Europe intervino ayer en el programa televisivo El Objetivo, emitido en la cadena La Sexta, para hablar de la falta de transparencia en torno a los Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros (CIE). "En España no hemos conseguido acceder a información relativa a los CIEs, y esto dificulta seriamente el trabajo de la sociedad civil en esta materia", ha afirmado Victoria Anderica. Puedes ver la entrevista al completo a continuación. Campaña sobre el derecho a la información en los CIE Desde el año 2013 Access Info Europe, junto con

Victoria Anderica denuncia la falta de transparencia en los CIE en ‘El Objetivo’2018-11-13T10:07:40+01:00
21 Feb 2014

Access Info Europe endorses International Principles on Surveillance


Madrid, 24 February 2014 – Access Info Europe today formally signed the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance, and reiterated its call for greater transparency of state surveillance of private communications. "In spite of the scandal which followed the Snowden revelations, we still have insufficient information about the nature, scale, and use by states of surveillance of private individuals," said Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europe. In November 2013, Access Info Europe and the Web Foundation initiated a letter, signed by 140 civil society organisations and individual leaders and thinkers including Aruna Roy

Access Info Europe endorses International Principles on Surveillance2018-11-13T10:12:10+01:00
3 Feb 2014

Agenda post-2015: El acceso a la información y a los medios de comunicación independientes es esencial para el desarrollo


Madrid, 3 de febrero de 2014 - Access Info Europe along with 195 civil society organisations from around the world have called on the United Nations (UN) to put government accountability and independent media at the centre of a new framework for global development. The statement, coordinada por ARTICLE 19 y Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) comes ahead of a meeting of the UN Open Working Group for Sustainable Development Goals, which takes place in New York this week - and will include further discussions on governance. Puedes ver la lista de firmantes y el texto de la declaración

Agenda post-2015: El acceso a la información y a los medios de comunicación independientes es esencial para el desarrollo2020-02-14T16:02:29+01:00