19 Dic 2013

Leading Civil Society Organisations Call for Government Transparency on Mass Surveillance


Madrid/London, 19 December 2013 - Access Info Europe, over 110 civil society organisations across the world, together with individual leaders and thinkers including Aruna Roy and Sir Tim Berners-Lee, have expressed concern that secret mass surveillance and the persecution of whistleblowers contradict the ideals of “open government”. The statement has been sent just as a White House Review Panel recommended that the US National Security Agency should be stripped of its power to collect telephone records in bulk. The groups are calling on Open Government Partnership (OGP) member governments to include specific commitments in their OGP Action Plans to overhaul

Leading Civil Society Organisations Call for Government Transparency on Mass Surveillance2018-11-13T10:12:13+01:00
1 Nov 2013

Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil que componen OGP (Open Government Standards / Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto), preocupadas por la vigilancia desproporcionada de los gobiernos


Londres, 1 de noviembre de 2013 - Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil que componen OGP han expresado, en una declaración pública hecha hoy, su preocupación ante las contradicciones existentes entre las recientes revelaciones sobre la desproporcionada vigilancia gubernamental, por un lado, y el compromiso adquirido por los gobiernos adheridos a OGP en lo referente a mayor transparencia, responsabilidad, receptividad y gobierno efectivo, por el otro. La declaración llega tras la sesión plenaria final del primer día de la Cumbre OGP en Londres, a raíz de que el activista indio de los Derechos Humanos Aruna Roy desafió al Secretario de

Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil que componen OGP (Open Government Standards / Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto), preocupadas por la vigilancia desproporcionada de los gobiernos2020-02-14T16:05:54+01:00
22 May 2013

Mustafa al-Hawsawi Case


Information obtained by Access Info Europe as part of the Rendition project with UK NGO Reprieve, using access to information in order to get information on secret CIA flights, has been used by REDRESS and the Human Rights Monitoring Institute (HRMI) to bring to court a complaint calling for an investigation into allegations that Mustafa al-Hawsawi was illegally transferred to and secretly detained and tortured in Lithuania as part of the CIA-led programme. Access Info Europe together with Reprieve gathered data on flights associated with "extraordinary rendition" - the covert transfer of prisoners by the USA from locations in Europe

Mustafa al-Hawsawi Case2018-11-13T10:12:42+01:00
14 Mar 2013

Más información y pruebas necesarias en la retención de inmigrantes


Access Info Europe y el Global Detention Project inician una investigación sobre el derecho a la información en 33 países Ginebra/Madrid – 14 de marzo de 2013 – Access Info Europe y el Global Detention Project han enviado hoy 66 solicitudes de información a 33 gobiernos como parte de una iniciativa que tiene como objetivo mejorar la transparencia en torno a la retención de inmigrantes. Las organizaciones han solicitado estadísticas relativas al número y al tipo de retenidos, así como detalles sobre dónde son retenidos. La retención de inmigrantes es la privación de libertad de aquellas personas que no son

Más información y pruebas necesarias en la retención de inmigrantes2018-11-13T10:08:01+01:00
19 Feb 2013

Lanzado un nuevo monitoreo sobre la transparencia de las políticas de protesta a nivel europeo


Madrid, 19 de febrero de 2013 – Preocupados por la falta de transparencia sobre el creciente uso de la fuerza policial durante las protestas, Access Info Europe ha enviado solicitudes de información a 41 países. En ellas se piden datos concretos sobre, por ejemplo, el uso de pelotas de goma, porras y cañones de agua a presión, así como información sobre los entrenamientos de los oficiales de la policía y los informes de evaluación sobre la actuación de éstos durante las protestas. En un contexto de crisis económica, Europa asiste a un creciente número de protestas, algunas con violencia. Es

Lanzado un nuevo monitoreo sobre la transparencia de las políticas de protesta a nivel europeo2018-11-13T10:08:01+01:00
22 Nov 2012

Lithuania Nuclear Power


Debate on Lithuanian Nuclear Power Deal Centres on Access to Information It is unacceptable to shield a nuclear project from Freedom of Information says Access Info Europe Vilnius, 22 November 2012– At a high-level debate in Lithuania (20 November 2012), Access Info Europe strongly criticised an anti-freedom of information clause in the public-private partnership agreement on the Visaginas nuclear power plant between the government of Lithuania and Hitachi corporation. Access Info said that the confidentiality provisions represented particularly dangerous practice and risked stifling public debate around the important issue of nuclear power.

Lithuania Nuclear Power2018-11-13T10:13:09+01:00
10 Sep 2012

Portugal CIA flights


  Portugal’s role in the «war on terror» under focus as human rights groups request information about 39 suspected CIA flights 11 September 2012, Madrid/London – On the anniversary of attacks which lead to the «War on Terror», human rights groups Access Info Europe and Reprieve asked the Portuguese Government to disclose information about CIA flights passing through Portuguese airspace as part of the «War on Terror» rendition programme. Investigations by Reprieve have confirmed that Portugal played a central role as a staging point for these flights. The human rights groups, which are investigating flights relating to prisoner transfers within

Portugal CIA flights2018-11-13T10:13:14+01:00
22 May 2012

Rendition Project


New collection of rendition data brings together records of hundreds of victims and shows involvement of 45 countries Madrid/London, 22 May 2012 – A global repository of information on rendition and secret detention was launched yesterday (21 May) with a collection of records concerning hundreds of victims and 6500 rendition flights. Extensive data on rendition flights collected by Access Info Europe forms a substantial part of the information being launched by The Rendition Project. The project, led by UK academics and human rights organization Reprieve, is the largest of its kind and collates all information about rendition currently in the

Rendition Project2020-06-09T15:15:56+02:00
2 Mar 2012

Press Freedom and Anti-Terrorism Laws


   To:    Thorbjorn Jagland          General Secretary          Council of Europe Copy: Secretariat and Members of the CDMSI          Secretariat and Members of CODEXTER                                                                                    Brussels, 8 February 2012   Concerns: Press Freedom and Anti-Terrorism LawsDear Mr Jagland,We write to you on behalf of the undersigned civil society and professional groups, which are all either observers at the CDMSI or active in the field of press freedom and civil rights in Europe.In May 2009, Ministers responsible for Media and New Communication Services of the Council of Europe committed in Reykjavik to “review national legislation and/or practice on a regular basis

Press Freedom and Anti-Terrorism Laws2018-11-13T10:13:23+01:00
2 Feb 2012

Call for proposals: web design


Call for proposals: web design 6 February 2012: Access Info Europe has opened a call for proposals for a web design for a new project, called EU Citizens, which aims to increase the participation of citizens in the decisions taken by the European Union. The project is a collaborative initiative by six organisations in five different countries, as well as on the European Union level in Brussels. Project activities include reports, events, online petitions, and campaigns for transparency and participation in the European Union and its Member States. We are inviting proposals with designs and budgets for a dynamic and

Call for proposals: web design2018-11-13T10:13:23+01:00