23 Sep 2024

Finalists Announced for the Inaugural Access Info Impact Award


Madrid 23 September 2024 – Access Info is proud to announce the three finalists for the first-ever Access Info Impact Award. The Access Info Impact Award aims to honour individuals and organisations that have effectively used their right to information to advance human rights, environmental protection, democracy, or anti-corruption efforts. After opening nominations last month, the award received 21 high-calibre entries from civil society organisations, journalists, academics, and citizens across Europe. A distinguished Evaluation Committee has carefully reviewed all the nominations and shortlisted the following three outstanding candidates: Lighthouse Reports - Uncovering discrimination in algorithmic decision-making The investigative series

Finalists Announced for the Inaugural Access Info Impact Award2024-09-24T09:24:58+02:00
13 Ago 2024

Convocatoria de nominaciones para el Access Info Impact Award


Madrid, 12 de agosto de 2024 – Access Info Europe ha lanzado el Access Info Impact Award, un premio que celebra las personas que han utilizado su derecho a la información para tener un impacto positivo en la sociedad. El Access Info Impact Award reconoce a quienes han aprovechado significativamente su derecho a la información para promover los derechos humanos, la protección del medio ambiente, la democracia y/o los esfuerzos anticorrupción. Al reconocer los logros ejemplares de activistas, periodistas, académicos y profesionales de toda Europa, el premio tiene como objetivo destacar la importancia del derecho a la información e

Convocatoria de nominaciones para el Access Info Impact Award2024-08-13T15:54:40+02:00
22 Dic 2022

Global Data Barometer: What the EU should do to close the data gap


Madrid, 22 December 2022 – Access Info is today calling on the European Union and EU Member States to act to ensure that data needed for priority issues such as for preventing corruption and tackling climate change, is made public in all countries. This call comes following the publication on 16 December 2022 of the report “The State of Data for the Public Good in Europe” with results of the Global Data Barometer for the European region, with concerning findings such as low scores for Climate Action data at only 44% and Political Integrity – data essential to prevent

Global Data Barometer: What the EU should do to close the data gap2023-01-12T10:51:08+01:00
6 Dic 2022

Not all Expression is Lobbying


Submission to OECD Consultation on Lobbying and Influence Madrid, 6 December 2022 – In its analysis of the draft OECD Recommendation on the regulation of lobbying and influence, Access Info has warned of the risk of some governments using the proposed provisions to limit media freedom and freedom of expression in the name of regulating “influence” and ensuring that public officials are “shielded from undue influence”. In the full version of its submission to the consultation on the OECD Recommendation on Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying and Influence (hereinafter “Draft Recommendation) [1], Access Info highlights concerns about the broad

Not all Expression is Lobbying2023-01-11T12:13:43+01:00
28 Nov 2022

Global Civil Society Organisations Concerned About European Court Ruling on Beneficial Ownership Transparency


As European Union and African Union representatives meet in Brussels on Monday 28 November 2022 to review progress following the EU-AU Summit in February, 34 African and European civil society organisations have raised concerns about threats to ground-breaking EU transparency measures, which could undermine all that has been put in place to prevent and combat the problem of illicit financial flows out of Africa. The 34 organisations state: “Illicit financial flows rob African nations of almost US$89 billion each year. Anonymous companies are often used as the get-away vehicles of the corrupt, helping syphon these funds out of Africa

Global Civil Society Organisations Concerned About European Court Ruling on Beneficial Ownership Transparency2022-11-30T15:11:57+01:00
17 Oct 2022

Malta: Civil society calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia on fifth anniversary of her assassination


Valletta, 16 October 2022 – Access Info is one of 36 freedom of expression and information groups which have denounced the Maltese government's lack of ambition and transparency in press freedom reforms and renewed calls for full justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia. The full statement reads as follows: Five years ago today, investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia was brutally assassinated in a car bomb attack in Malta. Our thoughts are with her family, friends and colleagues. Together with them, we continue to fight for full justice. Today is a day to remember and celebrate her fearless journalism, the far-reaching impact of

Malta: Civil society calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia on fifth anniversary of her assassination2022-10-17T16:32:52+02:00
13 Sep 2022

Helen Darbishire re-elected Chair of UNCAC Coalition


Madrid, 13 September 2022 – Access Info Europe is delighted to announce that its Executive Director, Helen Darbishire, has been re-elected as Chair of the UNCAC Coalition, the global network of anti-corruption organisations. Helen Darbishire, who has served as Chair for the past two years, was elected along with Co-Chair Gillian Dell of Transparency International who set up the UNCAC Coalition, and two Vice-Chairs, Samantha Feinstein of the Government Accountability Project, and David Ugolor, of the Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice. The Coalition works to promote implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) as well as to

Helen Darbishire re-elected Chair of UNCAC Coalition2022-09-14T12:23:23+02:00
4 Oct 2021

Pandora Papers: How long before we have open company registers?


Helen Darbishire, Director of Access Info Europe, reflects on what the Pandora Papers tell us about anti-corruption and integrity instruments in Europe, and calls on the European Commission to move urgently on opening up company registers. Helen is a member of the Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership, and is Chair of the UNCAC Coalition, a global civil society network working to combat corruption. Madrid, 4 October 2021 – The Pandora Papers leak reveals, once again, that the mega rich are using legal loopholes to avoid taxes and the corrupt are transferring money out of poorer countries into more

Pandora Papers: How long before we have open company registers?2021-10-04T22:14:48+02:00
29 Jun 2021

Se insta a la Comisión Europea a hacer transparente la contratación para garantizar la recuperación de la pandemia y el Pacto Verde


Bruselas, 29 de junio de 2021 – Las principales organizaciones de transparencia de toda Europa han alertado hoy a la Comisión Europea de una serie de deficiencias en los sistemas nacionales de contratación pública, y han recomendado la adopción de medidas específicas urgentes para proteger de la corrupción los fondos de recuperación de la pandemia y el gasto del Pacto Verde.

Se insta a la Comisión Europea a hacer transparente la contratación para garantizar la recuperación de la pandemia y el Pacto Verde2021-08-11T14:43:38+02:00
11 Jun 2021

OGP governments urged to open company registers


Madrid, 10 June 2021- Speaking at the Ministerial Level meeting of the Open Government Partnership Steering Committee, Helen Darbishire of Access Info, in her role as a civil society member of the Steering Committee, stressed the need to act on the transparency agenda that the pandemic has indicated should be a top priority.

OGP governments urged to open company registers2021-06-15T13:06:55+02:00