5 Oct 2011

Global Monitoring Finds Widespread Violations of Right to Information


4 October 2011, Ottawa – The largest global monitoring of the right of access to information in practice, the Ask Your Government! 6 Question Campaign has found widespread violations of the right to information with only 1 in 4 requests resulting in provision of full information. 480 requests for budget information were submitted in 80 countries by a global network of civil society organisations. No information at all was provided in response to over half of the requests and 38% of the requests elicited no response from the government body to which the request was sent (mute refusals). The poor

Global Monitoring Finds Widespread Violations of Right to Information2020-02-14T16:17:12+01:00
3 Sep 2010

Los Dos de Tokio


Últimas noticias: Los Dos de Tokio reciben sentencia suspendida de un año El tribunal Japonés de Aomori ha declarado culpable de allanamiento y robo a Los Dos de Tokio y les ha condenado a un año de cárcel en una sentencia suspendida durante tres años. Greenpeace ha declarado que recurrirá la sentencia. El gobierno japonés debe absolver a los ambientalistas a los que negó información Madrid, 3 de septiembre de 2010- Hoy Access Info Europe critica al gobierno japonés por usar la censura en respuesta a las solicitudes de acceso a la información, e hace un llamamiento por la absolución

Los Dos de Tokio2020-02-14T16:14:16+01:00
1 Jun 2010

Anti-corruption organisations call for reform of Access to Information Laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro


Sarajevo, 1 June 2010: Faced with a chronic lack of transparency in the region, leading anti-corruption organisations today called for urgent reform of the access to information laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. The call by Transparency International BiH, Transparency International Croatia, MANS and Access Info Europe, follows consultations with citizens, journalists and NGOs who confirmed that public authorities frequently do not respect the right to information, particularly in those cases where access to information would reveal corruption. According to the recommendations presented today, proper application of exceptions and implementation of sanctions is essential to reduce secrecy and

Anti-corruption organisations call for reform of Access to Information Laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro2020-02-14T16:14:24+01:00