26 May 2011

15 May Movement Demands Access to Information Law in Spain


Madrid 26th May – Last week the squares of Spanish cities were “taken” by the Spanish youth who are calling for “real democracy” and an end to corruption in the face of a system that they feel is failing them on the economy, welfare, and citizen representation. Citizens camped out in Madrid’s central square Puerta de Sol, fed up with the governments’ business-as-usual attitude to these problems, are taking matters into their own hands. The increasingly organised movement has this week formed a working group, “Transparency Law Now!” dedicated exclusively to campaigning for progress on the gridlocked Spanish access to

15 May Movement Demands Access to Information Law in Spain2018-11-13T10:13:32+01:00
17 Mar 2011

Spanish government to decide on transparency law in one month


Meeting with Ministry of Presidency secures commitment on draft law Madrid, 17 march 2011- A meeting held today between Spain’s Ministry of the Presidency and civil society organisations of Spain’s Coalicion Pro Acceso resulted in a commitment to provide, within one month, information on whether or not the Spanish government will pass the draft transparency law to the parliament. After explaining the delays in the adoption of the law given, amongst other things, other urgent matters facing government, Minister Ramón Jáuregui assured the Coalition that the law has not been definitively shelved, and that during the coming month he will

Spanish government to decide on transparency law in one month2018-11-13T10:13:34+01:00
10 Mar 2011

Successful Twitter Campaign: Getting a meeting with Spain’s Ministry of the Presidency


On 8 March 2011, Access Info Europe launched its first Twitter campaign asking for information about the status of Spain’s access to information law from the Ministry of the Presidency. During the day around 300 people sent a tweet to the recently inaugurated Twitter profile of the Ministry, with the message “Where is the transparency law?” The ministry responded rapidly, by phoning Access Info Europe and offering a meeting between Minister Ramón Jáuregui and representatives of the NGO platform the Coalición Pro Acceso on 17 March.

Successful Twitter Campaign: Getting a meeting with Spain’s Ministry of the Presidency2018-11-13T10:13:34+01:00
18 Ene 2011

The Centre for Law and democracy criticizes the limited scope of the Spanish access to information draft law


17 January 2011. The centre of Law and Democracy publishes a detailed analysis of the Spanish Access to Information Law and criticizes its limited scope, weak definition of information, and the extensive and vague list of exception. The analysis also criticizes the secrecy surrounding the development of this law is being developed and calls for a more consultative and participative adoption process. CLD Press release

The Centre for Law and democracy criticizes the limited scope of the Spanish access to information draft law2018-11-13T10:13:37+01:00
17 Ene 2011

Materials Spain


Documents on the right of Access to information in Spain Spain is the only country in the EU with a population of more than one million which still does not have an Access to Information law. Below are some useful documents in which Access Info Europe has analysed the current relevant legal provisions in Spain as well as the draft law that Access Info had access to in 21 September 2010. The draft law on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance: Main problems of the draft of the Spanish RTI law The Spanish Access to Information Draft Law

Materials Spain2018-11-13T10:13:37+01:00
17 Ene 2011

Results of first public consultation confirm defects of Spain’s draft Access to Information law


17 January 2011 - Access Info Europe published today the results of the public consultation it launched on the draft Spanish Access to Information law. Results of the consultation (Spanish) The consultation reveals that the Spanish public wants the government to be transparent with the adoption process of this law, which was leaked to Access Info Europe and then published online. The vast majority of respondents indicated that this draft is not strong enough to guarantee protection of the right of access to information and needs signficant improvement. In total 99% of respondents consider this right as a fundamental right

Results of first public consultation confirm defects of Spain’s draft Access to Information law2018-11-13T10:13:37+01:00
4 Ene 2011

Access Info launches an international public consultation on the Spanish access to information draft law


Access Info launched today an international consultation on the Spanish access to information leaked draft law. This follows a consultation conducted in Spain which reveals that the majority of the public called for improvements of the law. The results of this consultation will be sent to the Spanish government. Please find below the text of the draft and a questionnaire. Feel free to make all the comments you come up with besides the questionnaire. The deadline for comments is the 17th of January. Please send it to Victoria Anderica, victoria@access-info.org. Spain draft Access to Information Law September 2010 in English

Access Info launches an international public consultation on the Spanish access to information draft law2018-11-13T10:13:38+01:00
19 Oct 2010

OBI Results Spain 2010


Spain: Public Participation in budget-making non-existent,finds international survey Madrid, 20 October 2010 – Spain has scored 63 out of a possible 100 in the Open Budget Index, losing points for weak oversight by the Legislature and the Audit Institution as well as for complete lack of participation in the budgeting process, the pro-transparency organisation Access Info Europe revealed today.

OBI Results Spain 20102018-11-13T10:13:39+01:00
18 Oct 2010

Launch of Open Budget Index 2010: Spanish Budget is for the First Time Included in the Ranking


20 October 2010, Madrid – Access Info Europe, along with other members of the Coalición Pro Acceso (the Coalition for an Access to Information law in Spain) will present the results of the 2010 Open Budget Index which has assessed the transparency of budgets in 94 countries and which for the first time this year, includes Spain.

Launch of Open Budget Index 2010: Spanish Budget is for the First Time Included in the Ranking2018-11-13T10:13:39+01:00
22 Sep 2010

Access Info launches public consultation on leaked transparency law


Madrid, 22 September 2010 – Access Info Europe today launched a public consultation on Spain’s draft access to information law following receipt of a leaked copy of the draft law. Responses will be forwarded to the government. Access Info along with the 40 other NGO members of the Coalicion Pro Acceso have been calling for greater transparency around the draft. A letter sent to the government on 20 August 2010 asking for a copy and calling for a public consultation has, to date, gone unanswered.

Access Info launches public consultation on leaked transparency law2018-11-13T10:13:40+01:00