International Journalism Festival – «An Italian FOIA: watch this space»
Helen Darbishire2018-11-13T10:05:10+01:00Date: 18 April 2015, 11am Location: Sala del Dottorato, Piazza IV Novembre 6, Perugia, Italy
Date: 18 April 2015, 11am Location: Sala del Dottorato, Piazza IV Novembre 6, Perugia, Italy
17 April 2015 (10:00h - 14:00h), Madrid, Medialab-Prado, Auditorio Access Info will take part to Los retos del Big Data a meeting and discussion between different organizations that work with big data in order to share experiences and challenges. The goal of this meeting is to put into contact all the professionals who work in the field of big data and create a space to share experiences and facilitate networking. The results of this debate will be the starting point to create a platform to experiment and learn about open data. Seats are limited: to see the full programme and to register
15 April 2015, Madrid, Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid, Calle de Juan Bravo, 6 Victoria Anderica Caffarena will speak at the press conference organised by the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona to present the results of the Mapa Infoparticipa. This project aims at evaluating the transparency of the local governments portals in 6 comunidades autónomas: Cataluña, Madrid, Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias and Galicia. The other speakers will be Amparo Moreno Sardà,professo at the UAB and director of the Laboratorio de Periodismo y Comunicación para la Ciudadanía Plural (LPCCP), from where data for the Mapa Infoparticipa are processed Marta Corcoy Rius researcher of the LPCCP Juan Luís Manfredi Sánchez, professor of the Universidad de
10-11 April 2015, Ankara, Turkey Access Info Europe, in collaboration with UNESCO, is organising a two-days event in Ankara to present the Legal Leaks Toolkit and discuss how journalists can use the freedom of information right in their job. The first day will start with the keynote speech of Faruk Bildirici (ombudsman for Hürriyet) on the legal and ethical difficulties of doing investigative journalism in Turkey. Bildrici's speech will be followed by a round table on the state of Turkish journalism titled “Lifting the lid” – Accountability vs Impunity. Strategies for making in-depth journalism part of the Turkish media scene. The round table
31 March 2015, 6-8pm, Room ASP 3H-1, European Parliament, Brussels ALTER-EU organised a conference to present “Navigating the lobby labyrinth: A guide to transparency and ethics for MEPs” and to debate and launch policy recommendations for a strengthened MEP Code of Conduct. The recent ‘cash for access’ scandal in the UK has highlighted the need for improvements to ethics rules for elected representatives to restore public confidence in parliamentary democracy. Four years after the 2011 ‘cash for amendments’ scandal in the European Parliament, and three years after the adoption of the Code of Conduct for MEPs, it is time for a
25 de marzo de 2015, Londres, Reino Unido Pam Bartlett Quintanilla asistirá a la Conferencia sobre los Impactos de la Tecnología Cívica 2015 (TICTeC 2015 en sus siglas en inglés) para debatir acerca del impacto que las tecnologías cívicas y la democracia digital están teniendo sobre la ciudadanía, la toma de decisiones y los gobiernos de todo el mundo, en Londres, Reino Unido. Más información sobre este evento aquí.
29-30 de enero de 2015, La Haya, Holanda Andreas Pavlou will be attending the Open Government Partnership pilot workshop to discuss Spain's approach to open government, in The Hague, the Netherlands. More information on this event coming soon.
20-21 de enero de 2015, Berlín, Alemania Helen Darbishire will be attending the 'Follow the Money' workshop organised by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative, in Berlin, Germany. More information on this event here.
14 de noviembre de 2014, Madrid, España Victoria Anderica will attend the seminar on 'Transparency and Fight Against Corruption' organised by UPyD in the Spanish Parliament, in Madrid, Spain. More information on this event here.
16-17 October 2014, Skopje, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Helen Darbishire and Victoria Anderica led the Legal Leaks training for journalists on promoting access to information as part of the 'South East Europe Media Forum' organised by UNESCO in Skopje, in The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. More information on this event here.