17 Ene 2025

Legal Recommendations to Strengthen Access to Documents in France


17 January 2025 -  Access Info and Open Knowledge France today release recommendations on how to align the French Access to Documents Law with international standards. Access to documents is recognised as a constitutional guarantee in France and is governed by the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration (CRPA). Despite its constitutional status, the current legal framework regulating this right falls significantly short of the benchmarks established by the Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents (Tromsø Convention) and other international best practices. Key Gaps Identified in the CRPA A detailed analysis, carried out

Legal Recommendations to Strengthen Access to Documents in France2025-01-17T12:44:42+01:00
7 Nov 2024

Strengthening Transparency: New Roadmap for Greece and Moldova to Align Access to Information Laws with Global Standards


Madrid, 07 November 2024 – Access Info, in collaboration with national partners, has published comprehensive recommendations to strengthen access to information laws in Greece and Moldova, ensuring alignment with global standards, including the Council of Europe’s Tromsø Convention on Access to Official Documents. This analysis, part of the Access to Information Network Project, was conducted in partnership with Vouliwatch in Greece and Lawyers for Human Rights in Moldova. It assesses each nation’s legal framework against international best practices on access to information and the benchmarks established by the Tromsø Convention. "Our analysis highlights the contrast between Moldova and Greece

Strengthening Transparency: New Roadmap for Greece and Moldova to Align Access to Information Laws with Global Standards2024-11-08T11:39:29+01:00
28 Oct 2024

Making Access to EU Documents a Reality: Access Info Publishes Key Recommendations


Madrid – 28 October 2024 – Today, Access Info releases recommendations aimed at EU institutions, bodies, and agencies on how to improve the practical implementation of the public's right of access to EU documents. Access to EU documents is a fundamental right governed by Regulation 1049/2001, which was designed to give the “fullest possible effect” to this right. Despite a fairly robust legal framework, many requesters still face significant challenges when attempting to access documents from EU bodies in practice. To address these challenges, Access Info has collaborated with civil society organisations, academics, and legal experts to develop a

Making Access to EU Documents a Reality: Access Info Publishes Key Recommendations2024-10-28T12:44:06+01:00
18 Oct 2024

Helen Darbishire


It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that Access Info shares the passing of our Executive Director and founder, Helen Darbishire, on Friday 18th October. Helen was an extraordinary leader, colleague, and friend, whose commitment to Access Info and this community will be remembered by all who had the privilege of working alongside her. Helen moved to Madrid in 2006, where she established Access Info. Since then, both she and the organisation have become global references for the promotion and protection of the right to information, Open Government, the fight against corruption and the defence of human rights

Helen Darbishire2024-10-18T15:49:10+02:00
27 Sep 2024

Lighthouse Reports Wins Inaugural Access Info Impact Award


Madrid, 27 September 2024 –  Lighthouse Reports has been awarded the first-ever Access Info Impact Award for its leadership in the groundbreaking ‘Suspicion Machines’ investigation, which uncovered discriminatory algorithmic practices across Europe. Lighthouse Reports spearheaded the collaborative investigation series Suspicion Machines, which revealed how machine learning algorithms used by welfare systems to detect fraud and errors were disproportionately targeting individuals based on ethnicity and gender.  Through a series of freedom of information requests, the investigation shed light on the widespread use of these opaque systems in six European countries, starting in the Netherlands and expanding to Denmark, France, Serbia,

Lighthouse Reports Wins Inaugural Access Info Impact Award2024-09-27T02:25:21+02:00
23 Sep 2024

Finalists Announced for the Inaugural Access Info Impact Award


Madrid 23 September 2024 – Access Info is proud to announce the three finalists for the first-ever Access Info Impact Award. The Access Info Impact Award aims to honour individuals and organisations that have effectively used their right to information to advance human rights, environmental protection, democracy, or anti-corruption efforts. After opening nominations last month, the award received 21 high-calibre entries from civil society organisations, journalists, academics, and citizens across Europe. A distinguished Evaluation Committee has carefully reviewed all the nominations and shortlisted the following three outstanding candidates: Lighthouse Reports - Uncovering discrimination in algorithmic decision-making The investigative series

Finalists Announced for the Inaugural Access Info Impact Award2024-09-24T09:24:58+02:00
13 Ago 2024

Convocatoria de nominaciones para el Access Info Impact Award


Madrid, 12 de agosto de 2024 – Access Info Europe ha lanzado el Access Info Impact Award, un premio que celebra las personas que han utilizado su derecho a la información para tener un impacto positivo en la sociedad. El Access Info Impact Award reconoce a quienes han aprovechado significativamente su derecho a la información para promover los derechos humanos, la protección del medio ambiente, la democracia y/o los esfuerzos anticorrupción. Al reconocer los logros ejemplares de activistas, periodistas, académicos y profesionales de toda Europa, el premio tiene como objetivo destacar la importancia del derecho a la información e

Convocatoria de nominaciones para el Access Info Impact Award2024-08-13T15:54:40+02:00
17 Jul 2024

35 organizaciones lanzan un manifiesto con medidas urgentes para mejorar la salud democrática en España


Madrid, 17 de julio de 2024: Access Info, junto con más de 30 organizaciones, ha lanzado un manifiesto que demanda una mayor transparencia y participación ciudadana para la regeneración de la democracia española. Las organizaciones firmantes del manifiesto, que nace del convencimiento de que la regeneración democrática sólo es posible si se elabora de manera democrática, reclaman que se tomen medidas urgentes y prioritarias en el Plan de Acción por la Democracia que el Gobierno presenta hoy en el Pleno del Congreso de los Diputados. Estas entidades expresan su profunda preocupación por la falta de consulta a la sociedad

35 organizaciones lanzan un manifiesto con medidas urgentes para mejorar la salud democrática en España2024-07-17T16:33:42+02:00
28 Sep 2023

Priorities on 21st International Access to Information Day


Madrid, 28 September 2023 –  International Access to Information Day has gone from something founded by a small group of civil society activists from around the world in Sofia, Bulgaria on 28 September 2002, to a UN and UNESCO day, also celebrated by official bodies across the globe. Since International Access to Information Day was launched, international human rights courts and inter-governmental organisations, as well as the European Union treaties and many national constitutions have recognised a fundamental right of access to information. Challenges remain, however, and as this day – originally called Right to Know Day by those who

Priorities on 21st International Access to Information Day2023-09-28T13:10:12+02:00
26 Ene 2023

Malta: Access Info wins Court of Appeal ruling that all EU citizens have a right to submit information requests


Madrid, 26 January 2023 - Malta’s Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of Access Info that the Maltese government was discriminatory and violated the rights of EU citizens when it refused to register an information request by a non-Maltese citizen. This major win for the right of access to information stems back to an August 2019 request by an Italian citizen working with Access Info, who asked for data on the return of migrants. The Maltese Ministry of Home Affairs and National Security refused to register the request stating that an “eligible person” under Malta’s 2008 Freedom of

Malta: Access Info wins Court of Appeal ruling that all EU citizens have a right to submit information requests2023-01-26T13:35:53+01:00