23 Nov 2022

El Tribunal de Justicia de la UE invalida la normativa de apertura de Registros de Titularidades Reales


Madrid, 23 de noviembre de 2022 – El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea, el 22 de noviembre de 2022, declaró inválida la disposición de la Quinta Directiva Europea contra el Blanqueo de Capitales que requiere a los países de la UE la apertura pública de los registros de titularidades reales. En un fallo que ha conmocionado a la comunidad de anticorrupción y transparencia de Europa, el Tribunal determinó que la Quinta Directiva contra el Blanqueo de Capitales (conocida por sus siglas en inglés como AMLD5, 2018) está redactada de forma demasiado flexible y prevé un acceso público

El Tribunal de Justicia de la UE invalida la normativa de apertura de Registros de Titularidades Reales2022-11-25T11:39:51+01:00
10 Nov 2022

Don’t miss the opportunity! UNESCO free, online course on Access to Information is still up and running


Madrid, 10 November 2022 – UNESCO and the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) recently launched a massive open online course (MOOC) about the right of access to information with the aim to offer people worldwide the opportunity to learn about this fundamental right. The course is free for everyone, it takes just six hours to complete, and provides official certification from UNESCO upon completion. This course is an excellent opportunity for public officials, journalists, civil society, students, and all those who have an appetite to increase or reinforce their knowledge on the right of access to information (ATI). Thaís

Don’t miss the opportunity! UNESCO free, online course on Access to Information is still up and running2022-11-10T09:59:36+01:00
4 Nov 2022

MPs’ expenses should be disclosed in response to information requests: Civil Society Brief to the European Court of Human Rights


Photo: The French Assememblée Nationale in Paris, and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 3 November 2022 - Access Info, ARTICLE 19, and ten access to information organisations from across Europe have submitted a brief to the European Court of Human Rights in a case against France demonstrating that information about expenses by members of parliament (MPs) falls under the scope of access to information laws and should be disclosed. Gathering comparative law and practice from across Europe, the third-party intervention – also known as an “amicus curiae” or friend of the court brief – was

MPs’ expenses should be disclosed in response to information requests: Civil Society Brief to the European Court of Human Rights2022-11-04T15:28:24+01:00
17 Oct 2022

Malta: Civil society calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia on fifth anniversary of her assassination


Valletta, 16 October 2022 – Access Info is one of 36 freedom of expression and information groups which have denounced the Maltese government's lack of ambition and transparency in press freedom reforms and renewed calls for full justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia. The full statement reads as follows: Five years ago today, investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia was brutally assassinated in a car bomb attack in Malta. Our thoughts are with her family, friends and colleagues. Together with them, we continue to fight for full justice. Today is a day to remember and celebrate her fearless journalism, the far-reaching impact of

Malta: Civil society calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia on fifth anniversary of her assassination2022-10-17T16:32:52+02:00
28 Sep 2022

Declaración Conjunta Sobre El Anteproyecto De Ley De Información Clasificada


28 de septiembre - Día Internacional del Acceso Universal a la Información El Anteproyecto de Ley de Información Clasificada o de “Secretos Oficiales” como popularmente se la conoce y que actualmente tramita el Gobierno para sustituir a la de 1968, no garantiza un equilibrio entre la clasificación de información y el derecho a la libertad de información, la rendición de cuentas y la transparencia, tal y como su propósito expresa, según un análisis conjunto de Hay Derecho, Más Democracia, Access Info y Transparencia internacional España. Una Ley de Información Clasificada no puede permitir, en aras de una supuesta seguridad

Declaración Conjunta Sobre El Anteproyecto De Ley De Información Clasificada2022-10-05T12:16:05+02:00
28 Sep 2022

Right to Know Day 2022: The EU should make this a right for all citizens!


28 September 2022 - As we celebrate the International Day for Universal Access to Information, Access Info calls on European Union bodies to fully respect the right to EU documents and ensure that it can be enjoyed by all in practice. Releasing the key findings of a survey of the websites of 54 EU bodies, Access Info has identified a string of practical obstacles that stand between European citizens and their right to know, including: Languages – a right for English speakers only: While nearly three-quarters of EU websites explain the right of access to documents (70%), the majority

Right to Know Day 2022: The EU should make this a right for all citizens!2022-09-28T15:29:33+02:00
19 Sep 2022

Malta y España: El Derecho a Solicitar – ¡Últimas Novedades!


19 de septiembre de 2022 – Access Info trabaja para promover que el acceso a la información sea un derecho para todas las personas, un derecho que se puede ejercer a nivel transnacional, y en relación con ese trabajo os compartimos hoy dos novedades importantes sobre nuestras campañas: un caso judicial clave en Malta y una buena noticia de apertura para cualquier persona que desee solicitar información en España. Litigio de Access Info en Malta En Malta, el 14 de septiembre de 2022, el Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Nacional presentó una impugnación ante el Tribunal de Apelación contra una

Malta y España: El Derecho a Solicitar – ¡Últimas Novedades!2022-09-19T17:44:53+02:00
14 Sep 2022

25 Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil Reclaman a Gobierno y Grupos Políticos Mejoras en la Futura Ley de Protección a Informantes


CON MOTIVO DE LA  APROBACIÓN DEL PROYECTO DE LEY POR EL CONSEJO DE MINISTROS EL 13 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2022 20 organizaciones de la Coalición Pro Acceso y 5 organizaciones internacionales envían al Gobierno y a grupos parlamentarios un DECÁLOGO DE MEJORAS para la futura Ley que debe proteger a quienes informan de infracciones normativas para evitar que el texto final de la Ley pueda resultar en perjuicio de los propios informantes. El decálogo incluye la necesidad de eliminar sesgos respecto a la motivación de quien informa y los requisitos para demostrar quién puede ser amparado por la Ley. También

25 Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil Reclaman a Gobierno y Grupos Políticos Mejoras en la Futura Ley de Protección a Informantes2022-09-16T10:20:54+02:00
13 Sep 2022

Helen Darbishire re-elected Chair of UNCAC Coalition


Madrid, 13 September 2022 – Access Info Europe is delighted to announce that its Executive Director, Helen Darbishire, has been re-elected as Chair of the UNCAC Coalition, the global network of anti-corruption organisations. Helen Darbishire, who has served as Chair for the past two years, was elected along with Co-Chair Gillian Dell of Transparency International who set up the UNCAC Coalition, and two Vice-Chairs, Samantha Feinstein of the Government Accountability Project, and David Ugolor, of the Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice. The Coalition works to promote implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) as well as to

Helen Darbishire re-elected Chair of UNCAC Coalition2022-09-14T12:23:23+02:00
5 Sep 2022

Access Info: Renewed Board of Directors and International Advisory Board


Madrid, 5 September 2022 – Access Info is proud to announce its renewed Board of Directors and International Advisory Board (IAB), with leading experts in access to information and related fields from across Europe. This leadership and governance team will guide our staff, promote the organisation, and refine our strategy so that the right of access to information can be used to help address current challenges, including defending democracy, combatting corruption, and delivering a just climate transition. The diverse group includes journalists, lawyers, CSO directors, and campaigners, and has good gender balance, reflects how Access Info is prioritising creating a

Access Info: Renewed Board of Directors and International Advisory Board2022-09-05T13:34:23+02:00