23 Nov 2015

Decision Making Transparency is an Essential Part of Open Government Access Info Europe tells UK FOI Commission


Madrid, 23 November 2015 – Access Info Europe has warned that any move by the UK government to amend the FOI law by expanding blanket exceptions to decision-making transparency or by extending a political veto over disclosure, would be an attack on international standards. These concerns were set out in a submission to the government-appointed FOI Commission, which has been criticised for being stacked with transparency sceptics. The Commission’s consultation document opened the possibility of extending the use of Cabinet vetoes to block disclosure of information, even after a judicial decision to do so. Access Info Europe called for the

Decision Making Transparency is an Essential Part of Open Government Access Info Europe tells UK FOI Commission2018-11-13T10:04:36+01:00
20 Nov 2015

Giegold Report Welcomed but Could Be More Ambitious Says Access Info


Madrid, 20 November 2015 - Access Info Europe today welcomed recommendations by Sven Giegold MEP, Rapporteur for the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, on greater transparency and accountability ofEU institutions, but has warned that they do not go far enough in addressing the need to improve access to EU documents in law and in practice. The pro-transparency organisation pointed to the need for exceptions to the right of access to EU documents be subject to a public interest test, and the importance of removing barriers to access such as the requirement since April 2014 that requesters must supply

Giegold Report Welcomed but Could Be More Ambitious Says Access Info2018-11-13T10:04:36+01:00
20 Nov 2015

Access Info presents: The Berlaymont Snail!


It’s just like the good old days: the doorbell rings, and there is the postman with a registered letter – how exciting!! - you sign and open it, but nowadays you are more likely to find it’s a letter from the European Commission refusing to grant access to this or that document. These days we refer to the postal service as “snail mail”. And yes, once again the Berlaymont Snail has arrived in Madrid to deliver a letter to Access Info! Except that the refusal to grant access to information had already arrived ten days ago via AsktheEU.org. The Commission's

Access Info presents: The Berlaymont Snail!2018-11-13T10:04:37+01:00
20 Nov 2015

Journalists take European Parliament to Court over access to MEPs’ expenses


Madrid, 20 November 2015 - The refusal by the European Parliament to make public details on spending of MEPs expenses allowances on grounds of personal data protection has been challenged before the European Court of Justice by a network of journalists from each of the 28 Member States. This initiative was started by Slovenian journalist Anuška Delić who discovered that she could get information about the expenses of members of the Slovenian parliament but not about Slovenian MEPs in Brussels. Welcoming the legal challenge, Access Info argued that the European Parliament should be setting a standard for levels of transparency

Journalists take European Parliament to Court over access to MEPs’ expenses2018-11-13T10:04:37+01:00
13 Nov 2015

Access Info logra acceso a los nombres de los participantes en reuniones con el Gobierno


Madrid, 13 de noviembre de 2015 – El Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno (CTBG) ha emitido una importante resolución en la que otorga a Access Info Europe el acceso a los nombres de los participantes en las reuniones que el Gobierno mantuvo para discutir cuestiones relativas a la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP en sus siglas en inglés). Access Info ha celebrado esta resolución por estar a la altura de los estándares internacionales, y por la contribución que supone a la hora de garantizar una auténtica rendición de cuentas de los procesos de toma de decisión. Helen Darbishire,

Access Info logra acceso a los nombres de los participantes en reuniones con el Gobierno2020-02-14T13:57:33+01:00
27 Oct 2015

Clara falta de voluntad política en el Informe de autoevaluación del II Plan de Acción de España de Gobierno Abierto


Madrid, 27 de octubre 2015 - Access Info Europe–junto con la organización Reporteros sin Fronteras sección Española, miembro de la Coalición Pro Acceso– ha criticado duramente el informe de autoevaluación del II Plan de Acción de España puesto que pone en evidencia la falta de voluntad política por parte del Gobierno de España de aplicar de manera efectiva los compromisos y principios de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés). La crítica se ha realizado como respuesta al proceso de consulta pública abierto por el Gobierno a fin de recabar evaluaciones procedentes de la sociedad

Clara falta de voluntad política en el Informe de autoevaluación del II Plan de Acción de España de Gobierno Abierto2018-11-13T10:11:13+01:00
26 Oct 2015

Evento: Mesa transparencia y participación. ¿A qué se comprometen los partidos de cara a las elecciones generales?


Madrid, 26 de octubre de 2015 – Access Info Europe, como parte de Poletika.org [1] y junto con Oxfam Intermón, QuéHacenLosDiputados y CIECODE, invita este jueves 29 de octubre a una jornada en la partidos políticos, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y la ciudadanía intercambiarán impresiones y propuestas en materia de transparencia y participación de cara a las próximas elecciones generales del 20 de diciembre. La jornada, que tendrá lugar en Medialab Prado, seguirá la siguiente estructura: De 17 horas a 18 horas: Ponencia y debate: ‘Tecnología y nuevos métodos para influir en la política’ Con la participación de: Vicky

Evento: Mesa transparencia y participación. ¿A qué se comprometen los partidos de cara a las elecciones generales?2018-11-13T10:06:52+01:00
21 Oct 2015

Access Info welcomes Cyprus’ commitment to strong FOI law


Madrid, 21 October 2015 - Access Info Europe has welcomed Cypriot Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou’s commitment to adopt a strong access to information (Freedom of Information) law that will be “one of the best in the European Union”. The pro-transparency organisation, headquartered in Madrid, urges the Cypriot government to act on this promise, noting that in order to bring the law into line with European and international standards, the government should recognise the fundamental nature of the right, including all public bodies in the law, reducing the number of exceptions, and removing other obstacles such as the requirement to provide

Access Info welcomes Cyprus’ commitment to strong FOI law2018-11-13T10:04:38+01:00
30 Sep 2015

Civil society calls for reform of trialogues in a letter to EU Commission, Parliament and Council


Madrid, 30 September 2015 - Access Info Europe along with European Digital Rights (EDRi) and other 16 signatory organisations, today sent an open letter to European Parliament President Martin Schulz, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Council Secretary-General Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen, calling for a major reform of the so-called “trialogues”. The letter calls for public access to be granted to the trialogue meetings, and for the systematic and timely publication of all trialogue documents. The letter remains open to signatories. “Citizens should be able to scrutinise EU decision-making,” said Andreas Pavlou, Campaigner Researcher at Access Info Europe. “The lack of transparency around

Civil society calls for reform of trialogues in a letter to EU Commission, Parliament and Council2020-01-29T11:25:49+01:00
28 Sep 2015

Time to get serious on Transparency!


Madrid, 28 September 2015, By Helen Darbishire, Executive Director, Access Info Europe I am sitting in the Access Info Europe office in Madrid and staring in dismay at a document from the European Commission which seems to have more black lines covering the information it contains than anything useful. Dismayed and also amazed that the reason for not giving out information about a possibly problematic public procurement process in Serbia – a waste sludge processing plant to be funded with European taxpayer’s money – is apparently the personal privacy of those responsible for the decision. It’s 28 September 2015, the

Time to get serious on Transparency!2021-06-04T12:33:04+02:00