2 Sep 2022

Free, online and open for all! UNESCO launches new Access to Information course


Madrid, 2 September 2022 – UNESCO and the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) have launched a massive open online course (MOOC) about the right of access to information. The course is free for everyone and provides official certification upon completion. Taking just six hours to complete, this course is an excellent opportunity for all those who have an appetite to increase or reinforce their knowledge on the right of access to information (ATI), including public officials, journalists, civil society, students, and any other person interested on this fundamental right. The objectives of this course are: To increase participants’ knowledge

Free, online and open for all! UNESCO launches new Access to Information course2022-09-02T13:30:10+02:00
13 Ago 2022

La sociedad civil condena el llamamiento a consulta en pleno agosto sobre la nueva ley de secretos oficiales


Foto: El País Actualización, 26 de agosto de 2022: 24 organizaciones se han adherido a este comunicado, así como 3 expertos individuales. Madrid, 13 de agosto de 2022 –  Hoy, quince (15) organizaciones de la sociedad civil, miembros de la plataforma la Coalición Pro Acceso, condenaron la apertura de una consulta pública con un plazo increíblemente corto, a mediados de agosto, sobre la nueva ley de información clasificada para reemplazar a la ley franquista de secretos oficiales de 1968, aún vigente. El nuevo anteproyecto de ley fue publicado el 3 de agosto con una fecha límite del 12 de agosto

La sociedad civil condena el llamamiento a consulta en pleno agosto sobre la nueva ley de secretos oficiales2022-08-26T21:06:21+02:00
4 Jul 2022

España: Otro caso de falta de transparencia sobre la transparencia


Madrid, 1 de julio de 2022 – Esta semana Access Info presentó una reclamación ante el Consejo de Transparencia para impugnar una denegación por parte del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de dar acceso a cualquier documento sobre la firma y ratificación del Convenio de Tromsø por parte del Gobierno de España, argumentando que la divulgación podría dañar las relaciones internacionales. Esta negativa es desconcertante dado que la ratificación del Convenio de Tromsø es un compromiso emblemático del IV Plan de Acción de Gobierno Abierto de España, y cuya ceremonia de firma del Convenio, realizada en Estrasburgo el 23 de noviembre

España: Otro caso de falta de transparencia sobre la transparencia2022-07-04T13:53:59+02:00
29 Jun 2022

European Commission rejects recommendation by Ombudsman to open up secret covid vaccine negotiations


130,000-strong petition backs European Ombudsman ruling for Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to adhere to EU transparency rules around vaccine negotiations. Brussels, 29 June 2022 – The European Commission today doubled-down on its refusal to release text messages exchanged with Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, relating to negotiations of the purchase of covid vaccines in spite of calls to do so from over 130,000 citizens and the European Ombudsman. This Wednesday, rejecting the opinion by the European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, who said that the text messages are subject to EU transparency rules, the European Commission is arguing instead that text

European Commission rejects recommendation by Ombudsman to open up secret covid vaccine negotiations2022-06-29T12:47:01+02:00
23 Jun 2022

Almost 200 signatories ask the European Commission to open company ownership


Madrid, 23 June 2022 - 182 organisations, journalists, academics, and individuals have signed a petition calling on the European Commission to ensure company ownership transparency in the EU. The petition comes as a response to the Commission’s draft Implementing Regulation for the Open Data Directive, which proposes the publication of only basic company information and company documents, without the names of company legal owners, legal representatives, and beneficial owners. The broad range of organisations and individuals adhering to this petition indicate the importance of open company registers: without company ownership information, CSOs and journalists would not have access to the

Almost 200 signatories ask the European Commission to open company ownership2022-06-23T17:04:30+02:00
13 Jun 2022

Act Now! Have your say on EU company ownership transparency – Follow our guidance on how to participate in the public consultation


Madrid, 13 June 2022 – We are urging civil society organisations, journalists and citizens across Europe to participate in the European Commission’s consultation on whether or not company registers should be open. The consultation is open until Tuesday 21 June 2022 (midnight Brussels time). What is this about?  The consultation is on the Open Data Directive, adopted in 2019, which promised to open up company and company ownership data, including the names of the legal and beneficial owners. This information is currently available to all who have the means to pay for the data, with costs ranging up to €11

Act Now! Have your say on EU company ownership transparency – Follow our guidance on how to participate in the public consultation2022-06-13T16:01:06+02:00
1 Jun 2022

Don’t let the European Commission go back on its promise to open up EU company ownership – have your say in the Public Consultation!


Madrid, 1 June 2022 – Under the EU’s Open Data Directive, company registration and ownership information should be available as open data. In a surprise move, the European Commission is now proposing, via a long-overdue Implementing Regulation, that the names of the owners of companies will not be made available for free. As a result, SMEs, businesses, academia, journalists and CSOs will not get access to information that is vital in due diligence, innovation and preventing corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing. Join leading transparency and open data activists in a public briefing to discuss next steps and how to

Don’t let the European Commission go back on its promise to open up EU company ownership – have your say in the Public Consultation!2022-06-01T13:03:29+02:00
18 May 2022

España: ¿Por qué necesitamos tantos miembros locales de OGP?


Madrid, 18 de mayo de 2022 – Access Info da la bienvenida a la noticia sobre la incorporación de otras dos Comunidades Autónomas, Asturias y Comunidad Valenciana, al programa local de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto, convirtiendo a España en el país europeo con mayor número de miembros locales, seis en total.[1] Access Info pide a estos gobiernos regionales la creación de foros de múltiples partes interesadas sólidos e inclusivos, algo que ya tienen tres de los otros miembros locales de OGP en España: Aragón, Cataluña y País Vasco, pero no el Ayuntamiento de Madrid. “Como uno de los

España: ¿Por qué necesitamos tantos miembros locales de OGP?2022-05-19T11:05:02+02:00
17 May 2022

¡Buscamos Participantes! – Proyecto de Ciudadanía Activa con Jóvenes


Madrid, 17 mayo 2022 – 10 organizaciones de 10 países de la Unión European invitan a 30 jóvenes a participar en una experiencia sobre ciudadanía activa de una semana de duración en la ciudad de Luxemburgo. El proyecto ‘EU Democracy Rally’ te dará la oportunidad de experimentar toda una variedad de actividades, juegos y herramientas para potenciar tus habilidades de ciudadano/a activo/a: oratoria y negociaciones, storytelling, videoperiodismo, bienestar (digital), animación del lenguaje, acceso a la información, diseño de campañas, y mucho más. ¿Quién puede participar? Jóvenes de entre 18 y 30 años, ciudadanos o residentes de uno de los 10

¡Buscamos Participantes! – Proyecto de Ciudadanía Activa con Jóvenes2022-05-19T15:29:04+02:00
30 Mar 2022

Malta Tribunal decides case in favour of Access Info and extends the right to information to non-residents


30 March 2022 – Access Info has successfully defended the right of access to information in Malta, winning a court ruling from Malta’s Information and Data Protection Appeals Tribunal that all EU citizens have a right to submit information requests. The case arose from an August 2019 request for data on migration to Malta submitted by an Italian citizen working at Access Info’s Madrid office. The request was refused by Malta’s Ministry of Home Affairs and National Security on the grounds that she was not a Maltese resident. Malta’s 2008 Freedom of Information Act says that requesters must be both

Malta Tribunal decides case in favour of Access Info and extends the right to information to non-residents2022-03-30T14:03:23+02:00