22 May 2015

AsktheEU.org and the EU Institutions: The Challenge of running an Alaveteli Request Platform


Madrid, 22 May 2015 - Following AlaveteliCon 2015 in Madrid on 19-20 May, Access Info Europe’s director Helen Darbishire, reflects on 3.5 years of running the AsktheEU.org website for making documents requests to the European Union. In particular she notes the successes, challenges and lessons learned about the relationship with the EU Institutions and public officials. Access Info Europe launched AsktheEU.org on 28 September 2011 on International Right to Know Day at an event in the European Parliament organised by the European Ombudsman. One of our first messages was the desire to cooperate with the various EU bodies in making

AsktheEU.org and the EU Institutions: The Challenge of running an Alaveteli Request Platform2020-01-29T11:22:32+01:00
11 May 2015

Over 100 NGOs urge EU Commission to make the lobby register legally binding


Brussels, 11 May 2015 - The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) [1] has urged European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans to take strong and urgent action to create a high-quality and legally-binding EU lobby transparency register in a letter sent to him today, signed by over one hundred non-governmental organisations and trade unions, and supported by the European Parliament Intergroup on Integrity [2]. The letter calls on the Commission to adopt measures to reduce opportunities for unethical lobbying, and to ensure a better balance between corporate and public interest groups in the access to, and influence they

Over 100 NGOs urge EU Commission to make the lobby register legally binding2020-01-29T11:07:28+01:00
6 May 2015

Presentación de propuestas electorales: por un sistema de transparencia de lo público


Madrid, 6 de mayo de 2015 – Hoy Access Info Europe ha presentado sus ‘Propuestas electorales para establecer un sistema de transparencia de lo público’ de cara a los comicios autonómicos y municipales del próximo 24 de mayo. El documento contiene una serie de propuestas para avanzar en los sistemas de transparencia de España que son aplicables tanto a nivel estatal como autonómico y municipal y está estructurado en torno a cuatro ejes de acción: Reconocer el derecho de acceso a la información como un derecho fundamental. Esto conlleva medidas como la aprobación de una normativa de transparencia, establecer un

Presentación de propuestas electorales: por un sistema de transparencia de lo público2018-11-13T10:06:55+01:00
29 Abr 2015

Full Lobby Transparency campaign launched with ALTER-EU debate at the Parliament


This article was originally published on ALTER-EU.org: http://www.alter-eu.org/alter-eus-new-campaign-launched-with-transparency-debate-at-the-parliament Brussels, 29 April 2015 - ALTER-EU launched its new campaign Full lobby transparency now! with a high-profile debate. Held at the European Parliament, panellists included ALTER-EU members and officials from the Commission, Parliament and Council. Here, Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans renewed the Commission's commitment to a mandatory lobby register but postponed submitting a proposal to the Autumn. Timmermans also rejected the possibility of trying to do so via legislation, instead choosing to implement a sanctions-based system for the unregistered and those who submit false information. Facing a fully packed house, the Vice-President

Full Lobby Transparency campaign launched with ALTER-EU debate at the Parliament2020-02-14T13:58:43+01:00
24 Abr 2015

The Transparency of the Policing of Protests


Report finds Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests Madrid, 24 April 2015 - There is a serious lack of transparency about the use of various types of equipment during policing of protests according to a report published today by Access Info Europe, following research conducted in 42 countries and territories across Europe by means of access to information requests. The research by the Madrid-based pro-transparency organisation aimed to get a comprehensive picture of the legal framework for, and the actual use of different types of, equipment – including batons, shields, tear gas, and rubber bullets. This goal was

The Transparency of the Policing of Protests2018-11-13T09:46:33+01:00
21 Abr 2015

Informe de Tuderechoasaber.es 2014


Las instituciones reducen su uso del silencio administrativo, aunque es mayoritario como obstáculo para la transparencia » El silencio, primer baremo de la opacidad institucional, baja del 57% en 2013 al 42,7% gracias a una mejora sustancial de las entidades locales; las respuestas satisfactorias también aumentan » La Fundación Ciudadana Civio y Access Info Europe presentan el Informe Tuderechoasaber 2014, que analiza las solicitudes de información enviadas a las instituciones desde esta web durante el año Madrid, 21 de abril de 2015 – En 2014, el año de plazo que las administraciones públicas han tenido para adaptarse a sus nuevas obligaciones

Informe de Tuderechoasaber.es 20142018-11-13T09:47:17+01:00
15 Abr 2015

Pressure mounts as two more MEPs question Commission on postal addresses policy


Madrid/Brussels, 15 April 2015 – Two prominent defenders of EU transparency, MEPs Sophie In ’t Veld (Netherlands, Liberal) and Heidi Hautala (Finland, Greens), yesterday tabled a joint Parliamentary question calling on the European Commission to explain its policy of refusing to register access to documents requests if requesters do not provide a personal postal address as a form of identification. Access Info Europe welcomed the move by the MEPs, noting that the Commission has still not responded to an earlier question tabled by MEP Julia Reda (Germany, Pirate Party) on 27 January 2015, despite the 6-week deadline stipulated in the

Pressure mounts as two more MEPs question Commission on postal addresses policy2020-02-14T14:00:25+01:00
13 Abr 2015

Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests


Madrid, 13 April 2015 - There is a serious lack of transparency about the use of various types of equipment during policing of protests according to Access Info Europe, following research conducted in 42 countries and territories across Europe by means of access to information requests. The research by the Madrid-based pro-transparency organisation aimed to get a comprehensive picture of the legal framework for and actual use of different types of equipment – including batons, shields, tear gas, and rubber bullets. This goal was frustrated by the fact that not one of the 42 countries surveyed provided full information to

Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests2021-06-03T17:49:19+02:00
10 Abr 2015

Seeking Sign-ons for Letter to European Commission on Lobby Transparency


The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU), which Access Info participates in as a Steering Committee member, is seeking sign-ons from civil society organisations for a letter to European Vice-President Frans Timmermans, as part of our campaign to improve lobbying transparency in Brussels. The EU has a voluntary lobby register that covers the European Parliament and European Commission. The register is meant to tell us who the EU's lobbyists are; who they are working for; how much they spend on influencing policy; and what specific dossiers they lobby on. Yet the lobby register does not deliver real transparency,

Seeking Sign-ons for Letter to European Commission on Lobby Transparency2018-11-13T09:47:18+01:00