31 Jul 2014

European Ombudsman urges proactive transparency of EU-US trade talks


Madrid, 31 July 2014 – Access Info Europe today welcomed the decision by the European Ombudsman to call for more proactive disclosure of documents to stakeholders surrounding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, and to open investigations into the Council of the EU and EU Commission’s lack of transparency around these talks. Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly has offered a range of practical measures to enable timely public access to TTIP documents, and to details of meetings with stakeholders. Referring to the pro-transparency jurisprudence established by Access Info’s case against the Council (won in October 2013) as well as by

European Ombudsman urges proactive transparency of EU-US trade talks2020-01-29T11:25:29+01:00
25 Jul 2014

The In ‘t Veld Ruling: Raising the Bar for Denying Access to EU Documents


Madrid, 25 July 2014 - Helen Darbishire and Pamela Bartlett of Access Info Europe analyse the wider consequences of the recent European Court of Justice ruling, which will make it harder to deny access to EU documents relating to international relations or to containing legal advice. The 3 July 2014 pro-transparency ruling by the European Court of Justice in the legal battle for access to negotiations between the European Union and the United States on sharing financial transaction data in order to fight terrorism, will make it harder for the EU to deny access to documents relating to international relations

The In ‘t Veld Ruling: Raising the Bar for Denying Access to EU Documents2020-01-29T11:25:20+01:00
9 Jul 2014

Concerns about EMA’s transparency backtrack on clinical trials data


Madrid, 9 July 2014 – The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is considering adopting a policy on access to clinical trials data which imposes stricter confidentiality requirements and restricts citizens’ ability to exercise the right of access to documents. The proposed policy on proactive publication of clinical trial data has caused concern for Access Info Europe and other civil society organizations, who fear that the EMA’s ‘Terms of Use’ and ‘Redaction Principles’ would constitute a step backwards for EU transparency. Health organisations and the European Ombudsman were some of the first to express their concerns on the matter [1].

Concerns about EMA’s transparency backtrack on clinical trials data2020-01-29T11:25:11+01:00
7 Mar 2014

ECB Criticised for Lack of Transparency over Financial Crisis


Madrid/Brussels, 7 March 2014 – The European Central Bank (ECB) has once again come under fire for lack of transparency over the financial crisis, this time from the European Ombudsman who today regretted the decision not to release a letter sent to Ireland’s Finance Minister in November 2010. The ECB letter, which might reveal pressure on the Irish government to enter the EU’s bailout programme, was requested by Irish journalist and FOI activist Gavin Sheridan in December 2011 via the web platform AsktheEU.org. The request and all correspondence can be found here.

ECB Criticised for Lack of Transparency over Financial Crisis2020-01-29T11:25:02+01:00
7 Mar 2014

El Parlamento Europeo vota a favor de una mayor transparencia en su proceso de toma de decisiones


Madrid/Bruselas, 7 de marzo de 2014 - Access Info Europe celebra la decisión [1] del Parlamento Europeo de hacer más transparente su proceso de toma de decisiones mediante el registro y la publicación de las votaciones finales en comisión. Hasta ahora la mayor parte de los votos de las comisiones se hacían a mano alzada, sin registrar el sentido del voto de cada eurodiputado. La decisión, adoptada el 26 de febrero de 2014, afectará a todas las votaciones finales en comisión, tanto de textos legislativos como de no legislativos. Asimismo hace obligatorio registrar y publicar los votos individuales de cada

El Parlamento Europeo vota a favor de una mayor transparencia en su proceso de toma de decisiones2020-01-29T11:22:05+01:00
27 Feb 2014

Access Info joins We Promise campaign to get European Parliament candidates to support 10 point Charter of Digital Rights


Madrid, 27 February 2014 – Access Info Europe today joined European civil society organisations campaigning for pledges from European Parliament election candidates to support the 10 point Charter of Digital Rights. This campaign is run EDRi, a network of European civil rights organisations defending digital rights. Between 22 and 25 May 2014, European Parliament elections will take place in 28 Member States. The next five years will be hugely important for digital rights, with legislation expected on copyright, cybercrime, data protection and surveillance. The campaign aims to put digital civil rights issues firmly on the agenda of the election campaigns

Access Info joins We Promise campaign to get European Parliament candidates to support 10 point Charter of Digital Rights2020-01-29T11:15:19+01:00
3 Feb 2014

Hackathon of the European Parliament: Analysing the assets declarations of MEPs


Brussels, 24-26 January 2014 – This year’s Hackathon of the European Parliament, attended by Access Info Europe and other activists and programmers, resulted in an interactive visualisation of MEP assets declarations. Other projects by participants included an application for analysing voting, an application for searching declarations of interests, and a website that allows you to see which subjects have been tackled by the EU parliament over the past legislature. At the Hackathon, Access Info took part in the project to visualise the assets declarations of MEPs, helping to create an informative and interactive visualisation for citizens to see how many

Hackathon of the European Parliament: Analysing the assets declarations of MEPs2020-01-29T11:27:24+01:00
2 Oct 2013

Elecciones Europeas 2014: La transparencia tiene que ser una prioridad, les dijeron a los parlamentarios


Madrid, 2 de octubre de 2013 – Acercándose las elecciones europeas de mayo de 2014, Access Info ha hoy escrito una carta a todos los 766 miembros del Parlamento Europeo informándoles de los resultados de una encuesta de opinión que muestra un enorme apoyo a la transparencia en áreas como la crisis financiera y el lobby empresarial. Más del 80% del público quiere una mayor transparencia en áreas tales como la toma de decisiones del Consejo, opiniones legales sobre futuras leyes y los gastos de los Fondos Europeos. Access Info también ha enviado a los parlamentarios recomendaciones del público que

Elecciones Europeas 2014: La transparencia tiene que ser una prioridad, les dijeron a los parlamentarios2020-02-14T16:06:52+01:00
30 Sep 2013

RTI update 2013


RTI Rating: Update and Overview of Results and Trends  Quatlity of access to information laws around the world, www.rti-rating.org 28 September 2013, Halifax/Madrid - Access Info Europe (Spain) and the Centre for Law and Democracy (Canada) are today launching a report providing an analysis of the results and trends in the global RTI Rating, which assesses the legal framework for the right to information (RTI) in every country in the world which has adopted a national RTI law. A major finding of the report is that as international standards have developed laws have got stronger. At the same time, there

RTI update 20132020-02-14T12:51:50+01:00
11 Jul 2013

Novedades sobre la revisión del Reglamento 1049/2001


Bruselas, 11 de julio de 2013 - El Parlamento Europeo ha conseguido que el Reglamento 1049/2001 sobre el acceso a los documentos de la UE vuelva a la agenda del grupo de trabajo sobre información del Consejo, tras un debate público y una propuesta de resolución que solicita a la Comisión Europea y a los Estados miembros a retomar las negociaciones. Las negociaciones sobre transparencia de la UE han quedado en punto muerto desde que la Presidencia danesa no consiguió negociar un acuerdo del Consejo en junio de 2012. Durante el debate llevado a cabo en el Parlamento el pasado

Novedades sobre la revisión del Reglamento 1049/20012020-01-29T11:22:23+01:00