19 May 2013

Transparency of the European Central Bank on the Financial Crisis


Access Info Europe applies to join key case at European Court of Justice  Madrid, 6 May 2013 – Access Info Europe has applied to the European Court of Justice to intervene in a case which is of great importance to the European public in the context of the financial crisis: the case is about whether we have a right to know what key EU bodies, such as the European Central Bank, know about the financial health of Eurozone Member States. In a letter to the Court sent on 6 May 2013, Access Info Europe asked for leave to intervene in

Transparency of the European Central Bank on the Financial Crisis2020-01-29T11:24:49+01:00
31 Ene 2013

European poll shows considerable concern about EU Ethics


European poll reveals widespread concern about EU Transparency   Vast majority of people want more transparency, ethics and lobbying regulation Brussels, 31 January 2013 – A majority of people across Europe are concerned about ethics and lobbying in European Union policy-making, and want better regulation of lobbyists, as well as increased transparency of the EU, according to a new opinion poll. [1] The poll conducted by TNS opinion, and completed by over 6,000 people in six European countries, reveals that three quarters (73%) of respondents are concerned that lobbyists representing the business sector have too much influence

European poll shows considerable concern about EU Ethics2020-01-29T11:24:40+01:00
27 Sep 2012

10 years Right to Know Day


Ten years defending and advancing our right to know A reflection by Access Info Europe's founder and Executive Director Helen Darbishire on the achievements of the global freedom of information movement ten years after the day on which International Right to Know Day was created. The band of civil society activists seen here shivering on a misty Bulgarian mountain top on 28 September 2002 had spent the day in Sofia (the city whose name means "knowledge") brainstorming how to advance the right of access to information, including by founding the Freedom of Information Advocates network and coming up with the

10 years Right to Know Day2020-02-14T11:29:16+01:00
27 Sep 2012

RTI Rating Web Update


Global RTI Rating Website Update Launched www.RTI-Rating.org 28 September 2012, Halifax/Madrid - Today, Access Info Europe (AIE) and the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) launched an improved version of the RTI Rating website. The new website contains updated results on all 93 countries with national right to information laws, searchable on various parameters, including total score and score in each category of the RTI Rating. Serbia retains top position in the updated rating, with 135 points out of a possible total of 150, while Austria languishes in bottom place, with 39 points. AIE and CLD first launched the RTI

RTI Rating Web Update2020-02-14T12:53:32+01:00
27 Sep 2012

10th Right to Know Day


10 years of the Freedom of Information Advocates Network and Right to Know Day Members of the Freedom of Information Advocates Network, a global community of over 200 civil society organisations, will be holding a range of International Right to Know Day activities, including the FOIAnet itself announcing prizes in the right to know photo competition and launching the 10-10-10 Statement on the past decade of advocacy: 10 Successes, 10 Challenges, 10 Goals. Access Info Europe are amoung the active members of the FOIAnet. 10-10-10 Statement (English) (Spanish) (French) (Russian)

10th Right to Know Day2020-02-14T13:42:11+01:00
21 Sep 2012

Actividades 10º Aniversario del Día del Derecho a Saber


Actividades 10º Aniversario del Día del Derecho a Saber El próximo 28 de septiembre celebramos el 10º Aniversario del Día del Derecho a Saber (Right to Know Day). Para conmemorarlo, este año hemos preparado un sinfín de actividades, que te contamos a continuación: FOIAnet FOIAnet, la red de Defensores de la Libertad de Información celebra el Día del Derecho a Saber con un amplio número de actividades. Destacamos: un concurso de fotos con 3 premios en metálico, que se fallarán poco antes del 28 de septiembre y el 10-10-10, un documento que recoge los hitos más importantes en acceso a

Actividades 10º Aniversario del Día del Derecho a Saber2020-02-14T13:41:25+01:00
1 Ago 2012

Cyprus presidency and access to documents


Cypriot Presidency prepares for agreement on access to EU documents Madrid/Brussels, 9 July 2012 – The Cypriot Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) has decided to accept the challenge of reaching an agreement on the revision of the EU access to documents Regulation (Regulation 1049/2001), despite the previous Danish Presidency’s decision to abandon the negotiations for lack of agreement earlier this year. The reform of the regulation, which guarantees the public the right to request EU documents and to receive them within 15 working days, has stumped EU decision-makers for almost four years as a fundamental disagreement

Cyprus presidency and access to documents2020-01-29T11:15:37+01:00
20 Jun 2012

Denmark drops reform 1049


Denmark drops reform of EU access to documents rules as disagreements prove insurmountable 20 June 2012 – The Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU yesterday gave up on trying to reach an agreement between the European Commission, the Parliament and the Member States on reform of the rules that govern public access to EU documents. With the European Parliament standing firmly in favour of greater transparency for citizens, and the European Commission pressing for amendments to the Regulation that would exclude entire classes of information or narrow the definition of a document, the agreement hinged on an agreement

Denmark drops reform 10492020-01-29T11:15:45+01:00
19 Jun 2012

Letters British and German governments


British and German governments urged to act for more EU transparency Madrid/London/Berlin, 19 June 2012 – Today, Access Info Europe, with the support of 4 British and 6 German civil society organisations, called on the British and German Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Ministries of Justice to reconsider their goverment’s reportedly anti-transparency position on the reform of Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to EU documents. See letter to the British government here: See letter the German government here: This action is part of Access Info’s campaign to stregthen transparency within the European Union. The revision of Regulation 1049/2001 has been

Letters British and German governments2020-01-29T11:15:55+01:00
16 Jun 2012

EU Last Window


Last window of hope for EU transparency talks still open: Danish Presidency urged to broker agreement Brussels/Madrid, 16 June 2012 – With inside EU sources indicating that the Council and the European Parliament are still ready to make a deal on limited but essential reforms to EU access to documents rules, NGO Access Info Europe today called on the Danish Presidency to make an urgent last minute push to reach an agreement. See letter to Danish government here: Access Info Europe understands that the Council of the EU could be ready to agree with the European Parliament on a limited

EU Last Window2020-01-29T11:16:01+01:00