


30May 2014

Politics for People Campaign: Now is time for new MEPs to tackle Corporate Lobbying

Brussels, Madrid, Cologne, 30 May 2014 – Civil society groups from across Europe this week called on newly elected Members of the European Parliament to make an urgent priority of tackling the problem of corporate lobbying in the next parliamentary term. The call by members of the Alliance for Lobby Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER_EU), of which Access Info Europe

26May 2014

Un tercio de los recién electos eurodiputados, comprometidos con la transparencia y con una mayor regulación del lobby

Madrid, lunes 26 de mayo de 2014 – Un tercio (31%) de los recién electos eurodiputados españoles ya se ha comprometido a promover la transparencia y a regular el lobby en Bruselas; este es el resultado de la campaña pre-electoral 'Politics for People', coordinada en España por Access Info Europe. Antes de las elecciones, 130 de los candidatos a eurodiputados

26May 2014

Civil society calls for full transparency about EU-US trade negotiations

Madrid, 26 May 2014 – More than 250 civil society organisations worldwide, including Access Info Europe, today called on the European Commission to make the negotiations on the future Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) open and transparent. The TTIP is the biggest bilateral trade agreement ever negotiated and it will have significant effects on the economy, the environment and

22May 2014

UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office cancels court hearing and promises complete information on EU transparency negotiations

Madrid, 22 May 2014 – The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has pulled out of a case before the UK’s Information Tribunal resulting in cancellation of a court hearing due this week (20-21 May) and has agreed to provide Access Info Europe with full information on negotiations in Brussels to revise the European Union’s transparency rules. The specialised Information

21May 2014

Más de 110 candidatos españoles a las elecciones europeas han firmado el compromiso por una mejor regulación de los lobbies en la UE

Madrid, miércoles 21 de mayo 2014 – La campaña ‘Politics for People’, que busca el compromiso de los futuros miembros del Parlamento Europeo para apoyar la regulación y la transparencia del lobby, ha resultado en un gran éxito en España, donde 116 candidatos han firmado para “defender a los ciudadanos y la democracia contra la influencia excesiva de los lobbies

19May 2014

AsktheEU.org Report on Council of the European Union: Transparency problems exposed

Madrid/Brussels, 19 May 2014 – The Council of the EU is failing to comply with EU transparency rules by not respecting time frames for responding, applying too many extensions to requests, and not informing all requesters of their right to appeal when information is denied, according to a report published today by Access Info Europe. Analysis of 50 access to