Joint Legal Challenge Filed Against European Commission’s New Access to Documents Rules
25 March 2025 - Access Info brings legal challenge against European Commission arguing that its new access to documents rules violate the Charter, the TFEU, and Regulation 1049/2001. Access Info, together with Emilio de Capitani and Päivi Leino-Sandberg, has brought a direct legal challenge before the General Court of the European Union, arguing that various provisions of the European Commission’s
Finalists Announced for the Inaugural Access Info Impact Award
Madrid 23 September 2024 – Access Info is proud to announce the three finalists for the first-ever Access Info Impact Award. The Access Info Impact Award aims to honour individuals and organisations that have effectively used their right to information to advance human rights, environmental protection, democracy, or anti-corruption efforts. After opening nominations last month, the award received 21
Convocatoria de nominaciones para el Access Info Impact Award
Madrid, 12 de agosto de 2024 – Access Info Europe ha lanzado el Access Info Impact Award, un premio que celebra las personas que han utilizado su derecho a la información para tener un impacto positivo en la sociedad. El Access Info Impact Award reconoce a quienes han aprovechado significativamente su derecho a la información para promover los derechos
Malta: Access Info wins Court of Appeal ruling that all EU citizens have a right to submit information requests
Madrid, 26 January 2023 - Malta’s Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of Access Info that the Maltese government was discriminatory and violated the rights of EU citizens when it refused to register an information request by a non-Maltese citizen. This major win for the right of access to information stems back to an August 2019 request by
Global Data Barometer: What the EU should do to close the data gap
Madrid, 22 December 2022 – Access Info is today calling on the European Union and EU Member States to act to ensure that data needed for priority issues such as for preventing corruption and tackling climate change, is made public in all countries. This call comes following the publication on 16 December 2022 of the report “The State of
Missing Data Opens the Door to Corruption
Madrid, 9 December 2022 – On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, Access Info is calling on European governments to do more to ensure that the data needed for preventing corruption is both collected and made public. In the wake of the shock ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union, which has already suspended access to