España: Otro caso de falta de transparencia sobre la transparencia
Madrid, 1 de julio de 2022 – Esta semana Access Info presentó una reclamación ante el Consejo de Transparencia para impugnar una denegación por parte del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de dar acceso a cualquier documento sobre la firma y ratificación del Convenio de Tromsø por parte del Gobierno de España, argumentando que la divulgación podría dañar las relaciones internacionales.
Almost 200 signatories ask the European Commission to open company ownership
Madrid, 23 June 2022 - 182 organisations, journalists, academics, and individuals have signed a petition calling on the European Commission to ensure company ownership transparency in the EU. The petition comes as a response to the Commission’s draft Implementing Regulation for the Open Data Directive, which proposes the publication of only basic company information and company documents, without the names
Act Now! Have your say on EU company ownership transparency – Follow our guidance on how to participate in the public consultation
Madrid, 13 June 2022 – We are urging civil society organisations, journalists and citizens across Europe to participate in the European Commission’s consultation on whether or not company registers should be open. The consultation is open until Tuesday 21 June 2022 (midnight Brussels time). What is this about? The consultation is on the Open Data Directive, adopted in 2019, which
Don’t let the European Commission go back on its promise to open up EU company ownership – have your say in the Public Consultation!
Madrid, 1 June 2022 – Under the EU’s Open Data Directive, company registration and ownership information should be available as open data. In a surprise move, the European Commission is now proposing, via a long-overdue Implementing Regulation, that the names of the owners of companies will not be made available for free. As a result, SMEs, businesses, academia, journalists and
España: ¿Por qué necesitamos tantos miembros locales de OGP?
Madrid, 18 de mayo de 2022 – Access Info da la bienvenida a la noticia sobre la incorporación de otras dos Comunidades Autónomas, Asturias y Comunidad Valenciana, al programa local de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto, convirtiendo a España en el país europeo con mayor número de miembros locales, seis en total.[1] Access Info pide a estos gobiernos regionales
Malta Tribunal decides case in favour of Access Info and extends the right to information to non-residents
30 March 2022 – Access Info has successfully defended the right of access to information in Malta, winning a court ruling from Malta’s Information and Data Protection Appeals Tribunal that all EU citizens have a right to submit information requests. The case arose from an August 2019 request for data on migration to Malta submitted by an Italian citizen working