Gobierno Abierto2022-11-17T13:24:43+01:00



3May 2016

Civil society urges OGP Steering Committee to undertake strong reforms and rally its core values

Madrid, 3 May 2016 - The Open Government Partnership is in need of substantial reforms in order for it to become a real actor of change for greater transparency, participation and accountability worldwide, Access Info Europe and Alianza Regional have stated in an open letter sent to the organisation’s Steering Committee. The letter, supported by 64 civil society organisations, addresses

30Jul 2015

Global civil society calls upon EU to join Open Government Partnership

Madrid, 27 July 2015 – Access Info Europe, the Open Society European Policy Institute, and Publish What You Fund have sent a letter endorsed by 50 organisations from around the world, calling on Members of the European Parliament to encourage the European Union to sign up to the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The OGP is a 65-country multi-stakeholder initiative that

10Abr 2015

Design of WJP Open Gov Index Skews Results

Is this really a true picture of Open Government Worldwide? With evaluations such as "incredible", "rather amazing figure", and "missed opportunity", Dr Ben Worthy of LSE and Helen Darbishire of Access Info analyse the World Justice Project's Index 2015 and raise a series of important questions, including how accurate is the finding that 63 million people around the world asked

25Feb 2015

Estándares de Gobierno Abierto

Access Info Europe ha liderado en el año 2015 una campaña destinada a crear Estándares de Gobierno Abierto (Open Government Standards) y promoverlos en todo el mundo. La idea era establecer normas sobre lo que realmente significa un gobierno abierto, transparente, responsable y participativo. El gobierno abierto ha sido y sigue siendo un tema candente,  pero ¿qué significa realmente en