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20Jan 2015

El Consejo de Transparencia echa a andar sin explicar a los ciudadanos cómo presentar un recurso a las solicitudes de información denegadas

Post originalmente publicado en El Blog de Madrid, 20 de enero de 2015 - A pesar de que la ley de transparencia entró en vigor hace más de un mes, aún no se conoce si existe un trámite específico para presentar un recurso ante el Consejo de la Transparencia, que se constituyó ayer lunes. Esta falta de información afecta

17Dec 2014

Access Info Europe presents complaint to Spanish Ombudsman over poor implementation of the right of access to information

Madrid, 17 December 2014 - Access Info Europe today presented a complaint to the Spanish Ombudsman raising concerns about obstacles to the right to request information under the Spain’s transparency law that entered into force on 10 December 2014. There are two elements to the complaint: First, that requesters may only send information requests via the Transparency Portal by complicated

16Dec 2014

Juncker Commission breaks promise to create a mandatory lobby register, say transparency campaigners

Brussels, - According to ALTER EU transparency campaigners [1], the proposal by the Juncker Commission - as part of its 2015 work plan announced today - to introduce a mandatory lobby register on the basis of an inter-institutional agreement is misleading because such an agreement will not be binding on lobbyists. A revised lobby register based on an inter-institutional agreement

11Dec 2014

Strong civil society needed to counter diverse challenges to free expression in Spain, mission finds

New transparency law, criticised as failing to meet international standards, took effect yesterday Vienna, 11 December 2014 – Spanish civil society must speak out to counter diverse challenges to freedom of expression, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today following a four-day international mission to Madrid and Barcelona. Participants in the mission concluded that a lack of coordinated monitoring and

10Dec 2014

European Union Vice President Timmermans called on to act to improve transparency

Madrid, 10 December 2014 - Access Info Europe has called for significant improvements to the legal framework and implementation of the right of access to information at the EU level, as the European Commission finalises its work programme this week. In the letter to Vice President Timmermans, Access Info suggests the Commission focus on expanding the scope of Regulation 1049/2001