Access Info’s Latest News2021-04-12T13:38:41+02:00



10Dec 2014

Institutional and Donor support needed for online request platforms

Madrid, 10 December 2014 - Online access to information request platforms have huge potential for success but are threatened by a lack of institutional acceptance and financial sustainability, according to conclusions drawn in a report by independent researchers for mySociety, the organisation that created the Alaveteli software which powers and Access Info welcomes the findings of the report

10Dec 2014

Disappointing first day for Spain’s access to information law

Madrid, 10 December 2014 – The Spanish access to information law entered into force at the central government level on 10 December 2014, but it’s proving near impossible for the public to make requests. Rather than a cause for celebration, it’s been a bit of an anti-climax for the team that founded Access Info Europe, which is headquartered in Spain

9Dec 2014

End impunity for corruption and recognize people’s rights to information and participation

Hundreds of groups worldwide call for governments to act Madrid, 9 December 2014 - On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, the UNCAC Coalition, an anti-corruption network of 350 public interest groups worldwide and of which Access Info Europe is Europe Region Corrdinator, is calling on governments to get serious about tackling corruption as they agreed when they adopted the

5Dec 2014

Spain: Government says “Working Hard” Preparing for Transparency Law

Madrid, 9 December 2014 -- The Spanish access to information law enters into force at the national level on Wednesday 10 December 2014, but with just one week to go to until citizens can start presenting requests, there is little sign of preparation, with the transparency portal not having been launched and the oversight body, the Transparency Council, not having

27Nov 2014

Proactive lobbying transparency measures welcomed by civil society but loopholes remain

Madrid – Access Info Europe has welcomed the 25 November decision by the European Commission to proactively publish information about meetings between high level officials and lobbyists, but has raised concerns that the measures do not go far enough and contain loopholes which could seriously undermine the transparency initiative. Of particular concern is the lack of independent criteria for ascertaining

26Nov 2014

First International Freedom of Expression Mission to Spain 1-3 December

Concerns include abuse of defamation laws, regulation of broadcast media, and the right of access to information Madrid, 26 November 2014 - A mission of international freedom of expression experts will visit Spain during 1-3 December 2014 in order to gather information about levels of press freedom, freedom of expression and the right of access to information. The first mission