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4Aug 2014

Open data to get your teeth into!

Access Info invites open analysis of UK FCO documents Madrid, 4 August 2014 – Access Info Europe called for fellow freedom of information activists to help analyse and discover the information and data held in the tens of UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office documents on negotiations in Brussels to revise the European Union's transparency law, in a crowdsourcing initiative launched

31Jul 2014

European Ombudsman urges proactive transparency of EU-US trade talks

Madrid, 31 July 2014 – Access Info Europe today welcomed the decision by the European Ombudsman to call for more proactive disclosure of documents to stakeholders surrounding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, and to open investigations into the Council of the EU and EU Commission’s lack of transparency around these talks. Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly has offered a

28Jul 2014

Civil Society Highlight Need for Public Bodies in Poland to be More Transparent

Madrid, 28 July 2014 - The Polish central government and voivodships provided less access to information than local governments despite obligations under Polish law, according to research carried out to verify the practical enforcement of citizens' right to access to public information. The research, carried out by Association "Cities on the Internet" with expertise input from Access Info Europe, examined

25Jul 2014

The In ‘t Veld Ruling: Raising the Bar for Denying Access to EU Documents

Madrid, 25 July 2014 - Helen Darbishire and Pamela Bartlett of Access Info Europe analyse the wider consequences of the recent European Court of Justice ruling, which will make it harder to deny access to EU documents relating to international relations or to containing legal advice. The 3 July 2014 pro-transparency ruling by the European Court of Justice in the

16Jul 2014

Civil society call on the EU institutions to join the Open Government Partnership

Madrid, 16 July - Access Info Europe has joined over 50 other signatories, including networks and coalitions, calling upon the European Union to closely engage and eventually join the Open Government Partnership (OGP) initative. The letter sent earlier this month asks the EU to commit to uphold the same inclusion, transparency and accountability standards that they ask of others both

16Jul 2014

New Commission President Juncker Commits to Transparency on Trade Deals and to a mandatory EU lobby register

Madrid, 16 July 2014 - Access Info Europe welcomed the commitment made today by new European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to transparency of decision making, particularly with respect to lobbying and international trade negotiations, and to enacting a mandatory register of lobbyists. The commitment by Juncker at his confirmation hearing in the European Parliament included specific references to transparency during