Access Info’s Latest News2021-04-12T13:38:41+02:00



3Feb 2014

Hackathon of the European Parliament: Analysing the assets declarations of MEPs

Brussels, 24-26 January 2014 – This year’s Hackathon of the European Parliament, attended by Access Info Europe and other activists and programmers, resulted in an interactive visualisation of MEP assets declarations. Other projects by participants included an application for analysing voting, an application for searching declarations of interests, and a website that allows you to see which subjects have been

27Jan 2014

ALTER-EU verdict on the review of the EU Transparency Register: “hugely disappointing”

ALTER-EU verdict on the review of the EU Transparency Register: “hugely disappointing” Brussels, 27 January 2014 – Transparency campaigners cannot find a single area of “good progress” made by the review group to improve the EU’s lobby register, according to a scorecard published today by ALTER-EU. The scorecard assesses the outcome of the recent EU Transparency Register review process against

23Jan 2014

Access Info condemns German Government attempts to block dissemination of documents obtained using FOI law

Madrid, 23 January 2014 – Access Info Europe today condemned the cease and desist order sent by the German Government to information request platform, requiring it to take offline a document written by government staff and obtained under Germany’s access to information law on the grounds of protection of copyright. The document is an opinion about a German Federal

10Jan 2014

Access Info Launches New ‘Pledge Campaign’ Initiative To Fight For Greater Lobby Transparency In The EU

Access Info Launches New ‘Pledge Campaign’ Initiative To Fight For Greater Lobby Transparency In The EU The campaign, focusing on European Parliament elections in May 2014, seeks commitments from MEP candidates to fight against corporate lobbies’ excessive influential power in the decision making process in Brussels. Madrid, 10 January 2014 – Access Info has launched a new project in Spain

19Dec 2013

Leading Civil Society Organisations Call for Government Transparency on Mass Surveillance

Madrid/London, 19 December 2013 - Access Info Europe, over 110 civil society organisations across the world, together with individual leaders and thinkers including Aruna Roy and Sir Tim Berners-Lee, have expressed concern that secret mass surveillance and the persecution of whistleblowers contradict the ideals of “open government”. The statement has been sent just as a White House Review Panel recommended

18Dec 2013

Recommendations for Progressive Improvements on RTI

Madrid/Halifax, 18 December 2013 - Specialist right to information organisations Access Info Europe and Centre for Law and Democracy led on the drafting of a set of recommendations for progressive improvements to the right to information (RTI) which should be introduced by governments participating in the Open Government Partnership (OGP). These recommendations form the right to information chapter of the