Spain: Twitter Campaign to ask the Congress where is the Transparency Law
Madrid, 13 March 2013 – It’s been 228 days since Spain’s transparency law entered the national parliament (Congress) and since then there has been no information about the current state of the law, although we do know that the deadline for presenting amendments has been amended no less then twenty (20) times. The Constitutional Commission which has been given responsibity
Eurovegas: Spanish Ombudsman demands transparency
Madrid, 12 March 2013 — Spain’s Ombudsman (Defensor del Pueblo) has severely criticised the secrecy of the Madrid regional government (Community of Madrid), the regional government of Madrid, in regards to the macro project Eurovegas and demands total transparency on this topic. The Ombudsman has singled out this project as one of “exceptional public interest”, therefore the Community of Madrid
What is going on in Spain?
Madrid, 27 February 2013 – The picture says it all: a government embattled by corruption scandals is so reluctant to answer questions that it puts journalists in a separate room during a press conference. This happened on 2 February 2013 for a press conference given by Spanish premier Mariano Rajoy. The objective was to avoid being put on the spot
La Coalición Pro Acceso pide una mejora integral del proyecto de ley de transparencia
De aprobarse con su contenido actual, es papel mojado Madrid 19 de febrero de 2013 – La Coalición Pro Acceso, que reúne a 65 organizaciones, hace un llamamiento a realizar una mejora integral al proyecto de ley de transparencia ya que, de aprobarse como está, perpetuará la opacidad que rige la vida pública española. De esta manera, se exige que
El Gobierno esquiva incluir a los partidos en la Ley de Transparencia
Madrid, 13 de febrero de 2013 – El Presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, ha respondido esta mañana en sesión plenaria del Congreso de los Diputados a pregunta del grupo UPyD que va a “promover que los criterios de la Ley de Transparencia se apliquen a los partidos políticos”. Las organizaciones impulsoras de, Access Info Europe y la Fundación Ciudadana
European survey reveals Spanish greatly concerned about transparency, ethics and regulation of lobbying
Madrid, 31 January 2013 — In the midst of a major scandal involving possible irregular payments to leading members of Spain’s governing party using money from major companies, a European opinion poll conducted just a few days ago reveals that 82% of Spaniards believe that lobbying from the business sector may lead to government policies which are not in the public
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