Carole Ewart
Convener, Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland

Carole Ewart has worked as a public policy and human rights consultant for 25 years building organisational capacity, sharing knowledge, empowering staff and service users, and seeking to influence public policy decisions.
Since 2013, she has been Convener of the Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland which includes organising meetings of the Scottish Public Information Forum (SPIF) to build understanding and facilitate debate between right holders and duty bearers and recently she drafted a Bill to reform the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act to promote the legal changes necessary to improve practice and compliance.
Carole has an MA Honours in Modern History and Politics, an LLM in Human Rights Law and a post graduate certificate in ‘youth and community work’.
Carole serves on the Jimmy Reid Foundation Project Board which is an independent ‘think tank’ for progressive policy in Scotland and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Scottish Left Review.
Carole is a member of the UK Anti-SLAPP Working Group which enables collaboration of NGOs, journalists, lawyers, academics and representative groups to raise awareness and understanding of the use of legal intimidation and Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) as a threat to freedom of expression, the right to information. and the right to engage in public participation.